Bey didn’t almost fall - gravity momentarily forgot who it was fuckng with.
Fuck off, it’s sports. Sports get played in the sun. Fuck the halftime show.
The thing I think people don’t get from people like Steinam or Albright is, they watched HRC bashed with the same cudgel Hillary’s opponents on the left are using for a decade and a half by misogynists from the RNC.
If there were a hell, there should be a special place for reporters who push this nonsense.
Madeline Albright is 78 years old. She was born in fucking 1938 in fucking Czechoslovakia until FUCKING HITLER forced her family into exile in England during the Holocaust (in which THREE of her Grandparents died). She lived through the blitz in London, hiding under a metal fucking table during Nazi bombings.
This definitely exemplifies the split between kind of the “old guard” feminism and “new wave” feminism. Because of the work people like Steinem and Albright have done and the progress made because of it, women today have the luxury of not necessarily needing to prioritize “women’s issues” above larger ones. It must be…
I think the way the message is being presented is off, but there is something awesome about a bunch of older ladies who have done their best to pave the way for an easier, freer existence for the women coming behind them getting excited about the possibility of having a women as the president of the United States.
Let me explain it to you: WOMEN don’t get paid for their work. Examples: cooking, cleaning, child care, or tip jobs that pay no base and they have to smile, look cute, and serve to be paid. People are upset because HRC makes big bucks at speaking engagements just like men do. They are upset because subconsciously they…
I’ve thought about this a little and I’ve realized the problem with this whole “establishment” debate is that a lot of people are talking past each other while discussing at least 4 different things.
I mean it’s really a matter of perspective whether you think she's being disingenuous with her "I'm not part of the establishment because I'm a woman" statements. But, as a woman working in a white male dominated field, I'm inclined to believe she's being sincere. I work in finance at a firm that's approximately 20%…
“I’m not a part of the establishment. I’m a career politician who’s father and brother were previously President!” *tumbleweed*
I’m not part of the establishment. I’m a doctor! *cheers*
I forgot to dye this month.
Remind me again why establishment is bad? With the nightmarish shit storm the next democratic president will be walking into with Congress, why is America so eager to get some inexperienced idiot (or idealist if you are talking Bernie) in there instead of a woman who can make compromises, work the system and get shit…
I’m so happy equality for ladies has progressed so far we have no need of a token like a president who is a woman. Why would we? There are 6 governors, 20 senators, 84 representatives, and 3 Supreme Court justices. We should be all set! 30% representation is really the max we should expect.
I know. Sometimes, nearly 20% of our Congress has been women.
Yep to this. I am so over “progressive” men who concede that sexism exists in theory, but when presented by examples, they can always dismiss them. That is not progressive, folks.
That’s a tomato, do not engage.