I read it as them saying that while a lack of diversity is an important industry wide concern, the solution is in broadening the scope of who gets to make movies, not finding fault with specific films and the people making them.
I read it as them saying that while a lack of diversity is an important industry wide concern, the solution is in broadening the scope of who gets to make movies, not finding fault with specific films and the people making them.
This! Her rise can be credited to amazing PR and the willingness to play into the expected patriarchal tropes for women as the action star vixen cool girl/mother teresa buying orphans.
Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.
I’m definitely taking my shoes off on an international flight. As long as my feet don’t smell and I’m wearing socks. But there is no way I’m wearing shoes for an entire 13-hour flight.
Fellow Dudes, lemme lay a ProTip on you; wife is pregnant, you don’t purchase this t-shirt, much less wear it.
Plus this entire line of reasoning always assumes all women can go on birth control. I can’t take any hormonal birth control, for health reasons. Been dating my SO for 6 years and using condoms the entire time without problems. I also drink pretty heavily. Basically you’re telling me I should not get to sample the…
The warning has just a hint of the mentality that considers all women of childbearing age to be “pre-pregnant.” There’s already a substantial portion of the population that sees women as walking incubators, and I worry that this could encourage that thinking.
At what point are we called what they consider us - potential breeding stock?
This is completely fucking ridiculous. Everyone always says, “There’s no known safe quantity of alcohol to drink during a pregnancy,” and that’s true because no pregnant woman wants to volunteer for a study to find out what the safe quantity is. Anecdotally, pregnant women drink alcohol all the time and have perfectly…
Ugh... So... you are telling me that you would rather have Ted Cruz or Donald Trump as the leader of the free world than vote for Hillary Clinton? Our country is doomed.
YASSSS this is why as much as I love the words coming out of Bernie Sanders’s mouth and how happy I am that a socialist is doing so well, that he needs to sit down and go back to Congress. The Presidency is not a position that does well for non-centrists on either side (and its Constitutionally designed to be that…
It appears the chemtrails people are also on the case, if that’s easier on you.
don’t you mean wombmen?
I think if the future of our human existence depended on access to abortion, right-wing nutjobs like Cruz still wouldn’t back down from their position. They’d rather burn down the house with everyone inside than cede ground in the abortion debate. Huckabee thought an 11 year old rape victim should have to carry her…
And the most important - they shouldn’t be wimmen.
I’ve long held the opinion that forced birthers from every country are the same. They’re against abortions for all those random sluts, but when they or a family member needs one, that’s when abortions are acceptable. As mosquitos can’t differentiate between the poor and the rich, I wouldn't be surprised to see at…
The U-pick-em pro-life responses to the Zika Virus:
“They shouldn’t have traveled to a third world country.”
“They shouldn’t live so close to a third world country.”
“They should’ve lived in another country.”
“They shouldn’t be having sex.”
And a hearty “see you later, alligator” to music critic, cookbook author, and honorary Duggar Mike Huckabee. (Sorry, I thought changing the subject in O’Malley’s goodbye article would be a fitting tribute to O’Malley.)