
You’re obviously not pro-choice. Please stop.

no. people don’t have the resources to do that. these sorts of laws are also in places where clinics can be hours away.

Can’t properly express my rage right now. This is what I really hate about this anti-choice nonsense (aside from the obvious). These same twits will argue for abstinence only sex ed and claim that little Timmy isn't old enough to know that gay people exist, but sure - abortion is a totally appropriate topic in which

Just remember, you don’t have to wait to buy a gun...

Good lord, the teacher even gave someone their names?

Worst field trip, ever!

Because if they didn’t lie they’d be forced to give women neutral, unbiased, factual information regarding abortions, and they might still decide to get one.

I don’t even understand how it is legal to provide and lawfully require knowingly untrue medical information. I further don’t understand how there are not lawsuits because of this (or maybe there are, but you’d think we’d hear more about those...??).

ESPECIALLY FUCK the fact that the law gets to ignore facts and replace them with “facts”

One of my friends did some work that took him to the White House early in Obama’s career. He said the thing that struck him the most (though such a simple thing) was that one of the first changes Obama made was move the playground to a part of the lawn he could see from his office, so he could watch his children play.

Trump couldn't define empathy if it introduced itself by pointing to its dictionary entry.


Older people are older, nothing to do with college.

... if Judy replaced Antonin, though, there would never be a moment in which Sheindlin tells Scalia not to pee on her leg and tell her it’s raining. And then all I’ll have is my SCOTUS fanfiction.

Definitely seems more a case of “At least 13% of Americans don’t know who Elana Kagan is, go with answer D by default”

Lincoln Chafee (miss u!) is one of the small hobbit children delighted by the fireworks at Bilbo’s birthday party, correct?

No one is Frodo. No one is Sam.

It’s not just lately... It’s goddamn historical.

that’s not comic sans

Not to be a turd, but that isn’t Comic Sans. I’m not sure exactly what one it is but I think it’s actually pretty nice-looking, for a handwriting font!