It’s a zen thing, like how many babies fit in a tire.
It’s a zen thing, like how many babies fit in a tire.
That movie is everything. To anyone that disagrees, well, I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU AND YOUR ASS FACE.
*biting my pillow* to keep laughter in
Out of all of the Christopher Guest movies, that is my favorite.
She didn’t call them “bastard people”?
Bobby, I weep for the folks that needed an explanation for your gif.
Aww, man. I mean, sure. He’s evil. But at this point, don’t you feel just a little bit bad for how poorly this turned out for Jeb!? It’s gone cartoonishly bad. It’s like, Jeb! sent away to the ACME Corp. for a campaign kit & some roadrunner seed and now it’s all just anvils dropping on him.
56.6% of residents in Flint are black. Of course this isn’t making the news.
I love her and I will not make fun of her tweets for a full year.
Chering is caring.
yes his girlfriend is totally a normal person he met her like last summer when he was on vacation she’s actually a super hot model but she lives in canada right now and she travels a lot so that’s why you’ve like never met her.
or for the really silly - the “tic tac toe” sign
This is the pound sign: #. A hashtag is when you combine that sign with some words and make it clickable/link to search results like this: #itemofnote. So a pound sign combined with letters/words is a hash tag.
One Corinthian Two Corinthians Red Corinthian Blue Corinthian.
Um, I think what we say is “The second letter of St Paul to the Corinthians"
Two Corinthians walk into a bar...
Two Corinthians One Trump is the next viral video.
My favorite part of that whole dumpster fire of a speech was where he was like “They call me ‘plainspoken’ but I’m smart. I went to an Ivy league school! Have you ever heard of it? The Wharton School of Finance!” and the whole place just went DEAD. (That’s usually a big applause line for him in his stump speech,…
Truly a man of the book. Great book, read the whole thing. Phenomenal. Lots of words—good words—true words. Two words? Fabulous book. Five stars on Amazon.