
This is an R1 school in the South. To be fair, this one eval stood out because it was so rare. I never get more than one “too much feminism in class” comments in a year.

Ha, glad my late-life plans can amuse! Seriously though, I do understand why having biological kids is an incredibly appealing choice — a mini me who loves you and depends on you and is sooo cute...I mean I am moved to tears thinking about how much I love my dog. But it kills me that people are banging and having all

You are really right. I read this a similar way. The article seems to gloss over the fact that these men prioritized something else, which isn't wrong, but now they want to be catered to or feel entitled to a family. I am a mid 30s man and understand that my own choices and focuses have guided me to single and now

It’s just because he’s too nice and wants babies TOO MUCH! Can’t you see? Women HATE those qualities!

I agree with you here on the “making plans” thing.

So, you can see how the patriarchy hurts both groups- men because they are told they’re only valued for money, women because they’re told they are only valued for teh bebiez.

Yeah I’m not sure I’m buying the “regrets” listed in the examples.

Yes, exactly — your fitness and ability to procreate and/or raise children really comes down to the degree of priority it holds for you. Don't expect a perfect family to materialize if you're working 60 hours a week at the firm. Also don't subject a family to your noncommittal bullshit just because you want them as an

Also conspicuously absent: single moms. When my best friend started dating after her divorce she was rejected by quite a few guys who said they wanted to start a family and she “already had one”. She wasn't against having another child with a new partner, but that didn't seem to be the type of family these guys wanted.

Or they could adopt a child now before finding a partner. But of course I’m sure they’re expecting that raising the child to be the womans’ job!

Here’s a glaring omission that many people seem to forget: you don’t need a woman to have a child and start a family! You can adopt as a single parent!

I once told someon who was 20+ years older than that I couldn’t date because I was looking for a relationship with someone close to my age with whom I could potentially start a family. Oh my God, the wounded entitled rage! He proceeded to barrage me with emails about how he could impregnate me well into old age. But I

THIS. The whole article is a veiled tantrum about 25 year old women not being interested in them anymore. If they cared so much about having a family they could marry a woman their age, take all the money they earned focusing on career, and use alternative avenues for creating a family

Doesn’t it hurt not to matter because you don’t live in NYC? My meaningless and unproductive existence outside of America’s Mecca grieves me daily.

Concise. Accurate.

This is another example of how a sense of entitlement can embitter people. Just because you decide you WANT a family at a certain age doesn’t mean you’re going to automatically get one.

When I was a lonesome single bachelor no one felt sorry from me, and I didn’t even get to live in New York.

We don’t.

Eh. To the extent I have sympathy for these guys, it’s because they were lied to a little bit. Just because you can have kids forever doesn’t mean you’ll be able to find a woman who’s young enough to be able to do the couple years of dating/year of engagement/year or two of childless marriage and still have biological

So ugh.