
Well, in society’s eyes they have done something horrible: being really good at what they do and being proud of it. Or in Anne’s case, working her ass off to make sure she gets recognition for it. People can’t stand a woman who knows she’s a boss and owns it. See Shonda Rhimes, Nicki Minaj, Hilary Clinton, etc.

Anne Hathaway: “Not sure why you’re all hating on JLaw. Remember me? I’m waaaaaaay more annoying.”

Now playing

Yeah I think technically that movie would pass. Which is the problem with the Bechdel test. It really shouldn’t be used as a test for deciding which films are sexist on a individual basis. It’s a useful tool for pointing out how screwed up and sexist the film industry is, given that with a male/female global

The first time I saw the trailer, my lap top was on silent. I was very confused, because the trailer looked like Tom Hardy killed Leo’s native american male lover and then tries to kill Leo because love triangle of some kind, and Leo spends the rest of his life getting revenge. Then I played it with the sound on, and

Eh, I just think—to take a leaf out of the Notorious RBG book—there’ll be enough movies that pass the test when it’s all of them.

Honestly this is why I didn’t watch The Revenant with Mr. Calrissian. I was turned off because it’s a story about legendary levels of macho tough manliness and manly values. The trailer was enough. The cinematography looked beautiful but I didn’t want to sit through hours of guys out machoing each other without taking

Oh my god, Becky, look at her screenwriting credits.

Of course people don’t just “get to be” president. They are elected through a massive process of many opinions, not just mine. And I certainly wasn’t suggesting playground antics play a role in our election process. I was merely explaining my personal opinion for why, given two strong candidates, I am going with

Yeah. I feel like the country isn’t ready for a Bernie Sanders yet, but he can do more good, like Senator Warren, doing some great, proactive work in another position. As President, all he’d face is obstruction just like Obama for all the work he’d want done, because he’d still have a lame, do-nothing, clown Repub

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or congrats on a burn. Either way, as one who still hopes Clinton gets the nomination, it’s a bummer.

A native New Yorker who doesn’t claim that absolutely everything about New York City is special and unique and totally different from everywhere else?? I like you.

Huh... I didn’t realize 30% of black people undergo spontaneous slavery.

Dehumanization of human beings based on pseudoscientific/religious nonsense? Check.

He hates abortions? Cool! I bet that is why he is demanding comprehensive sex-ed in schools, fully funded, easily accessible birth control for any woman who wants it, generous parental leave, a higher minimum wage and a strong safety net for children who are born into poverty too, right?

oy vey please just read the discussions below

Our side is always saying Obama didn’t stand up to the GOP enough, or wasn’t good enough to get them on board.

But..but...but...what about the “political revolution?” Surely that will fix everything!

and this is why I wish people would pay more attentional to elections and law well beyond the Presidential election. Obama would have done so much more had he been able to get the backing he needed. this is what he emphasized last night. it isn’t just one figure head who is going to change these things, it is

“You can support Bernie, but PLEASE stick around in reality.”—> PLEASE, oh PLEASE put this on a T-Shirt lol I would buy it in a heartbeat

lmao it’s like watch one episode of The West Wing and you see this isn’t even something one needs formal training to understand.