
I don’t understand how BS has fooled so many people after we’ve seen the 7 years of President Obama’s battle with congress. It is literal foolishness and folly to believe that we will get single-payer healthcare within the next two years AT LEAST, especially with an anti-Wall Street candidate in a climate that fosters

Listen, I’m really sorry about this, and I’m sure it’s just a mistake, or maybe I’m looking at it the wrong way. But when I was looking at XYZ, I found a little, tiny bug, that actually makes it ABC.

Man here. No boss has ever told me that I’m too aggressive. I guess that makes your statistic wrong.

Why are we still thinking of parental leave as a women's issue? Even people who will never have children still start off as children. This issue affects every child being born in America.


I have to work through lunch because of all the time I waste here.

Yeah, please send me my dental patients to my house so I can clean their teeth with my butter knives I have in the kitchen drawer.

I wanted to ask about paid maternity leave so badly.

This spam is topical spam.

Also, are you telling me if someone else has a few WEEKS more experience than me, that justifies a pay gap? We’re not talking 5 years off. jfc.

...and remember - he’s touted as the SANE ONE.

they fall behind on the experience level, which means that the pay becomes a differential.

These guys don’t believe the lies they say, they’re pandering to an increasingly ignorant and unhinged choir.

I LOVE how people just casually suggest that working from home is equivalent to maternity leave, like it’s so easy to work while caring for a newborn. The first three months with my second born were so intense that taking a shower felt like a major accomplishment.

The embryo was the daughter’s and herhusband’s. No mixing of genes, so no incest.

This promotes unrealistic standards for grandmothers and babies.

Or incorporate this as the secret twist riddle to some Shakespeare prophecy plot


I read your comment on a tablet made out of recycled microbeads.

A crossfitter, and atheist, and a feminist who only reads books by non white-cis-male authors walks into a bar...