The Globes is not worth watching without Fey and Poehler.
but it’s new to us and this is our blog
You know what they say, there are no tiny 1,000 year old alien roles, just tiny 1,000 year old alien actors.
How mentally tough are they if they can’t handle women in their unit?
My female friends in the military would take a bullet to save one of their fellow soldier/sailors. I have no doubt of this. These same women are whip-smart, super strong, and total badasses.
I’ve never been in the military, but I have been a lifeguard. I can drag a 280 pound guy no problem, while simultaneously stabilizing his neck to prevent spinal cord injuries.
I can understand somewhat the initial concern about physical strength but this is negated by the mandatory requirements. Aka if she can meet the physical strength required, then she has every right to be there.
europe: the bastion of racial equality since never
Have you seen the DINK stick figure family?
I still dream of taking some that are me with bags of cash I have b/c I don’t have children. Also some bottles of booze. FAMILY.
I love TAL. I’m not white, nor am I a liberal. I must be a unique snowflake.
Wet hot I get it wheeee
Arts and farts and facts?
For a higher fee, she will hook you up to electrodes that will render your mind spotless in order that you may enjoy eternal sunshine.
I know it will be vetoed, but this is still so fucking scary to me.
Fiscal conservatives wasting money on political theater. Oh.
GOP: Guaranteeing Only the Patriarchy has access to medical care.