Pretty sure David Brooks wrote a piece in the NYT saying exactly this. CNN should’ve cited him.
Pretty sure David Brooks wrote a piece in the NYT saying exactly this. CNN should’ve cited him.
Besides the general wtfery of this, Freddie Gray suffered from lead poisoning as a child from paint in his housing complex. Lead poisoning has been linked to various mental and emotional issues. If there were any context to Freddie Gray’s childhood that would serve as an appropriate bookend to being murdered by city…
“Ann is actually a fictional being that we created after watching the pilot episode of New Girl once while drunk.”
CNN: “We’re not saying he deserved it, we’re just saying he wouldn’t have amounted to much anyway.”
Nailed it :/
On the street where he was taken into custody:
On the fourth reference, she is “Hillaryific!” On the fifth reference, she is simply “Mother.”
What many people don’t know or realize is that Colorado Springs is ground zero for an organization called Abolish Human Abortion. The CS PP clinic has been a target of their’s for some time and they have protesters there six days a week, only forgoing the one day the clinic is closed. Reports are that they have had as…
Thank you for being an escort. With all my heart, thank you.
I’m so sick of this shit. I’m sick of our politicians using women’s privates to grandstand and pontificate. I’m sick of the constant erosion of our rights. I’m sick of seeing faces of the dead. Another poster this morning said that if we want better for ourselves, to fucking vote. And they’re right.
Peace to them & their families.
Psh, classic liberal spin. I’m so glad the GOP exists to give us the facts, plain and simple: A protestor (murderer) acted on behalf of a majority (less than half) of americans to deliver a pro-life message (in a language called “bullets”) about the baby-parts factory (women’s reproductive health center) Planned…
“Every single person who contributed to the vilification of PP in recent months has blood on their hands. But that’s a scary thought - better to blame the “liberal media”, as per usual. The party of Personal Responsibility strikes again”
Especially since BLM protestors were shot by white supremacists in Minneapolis like, not even a week ago! God this woman suckkkkkkkks.
Jesus, Carly. What are you willing to say? What are you willing to espouse? Do you have any soul left at all?
Which is it, then, Carly? Was the murderer a “pro-life [oh, the irony] protester” who killed in the name of his twisted ideology and was undoubtedly influenced by the right’s demonization of Planned Parenthood, or were the killings unrelated to the vitriolic rhetoric you and your ilk have been spouting? One or the…
“The vast majority of Americans agree what Planned Parenthood is doing is wrong.”
“demonizing a messenger because they don’t agree with the message.”
Oh, like how CMP recorded and edited private conversations among abortion providers to demonize how they talk about totally safe and legal procedures?
Or is she saying that we shouldn’t “demonize a messenger” that murdered 3 people? Not sure about…
Not only a protestor but a messenger. The religious overtones are palpable. Chilling.