Not to minimize the hurt these students felt, which I believe is genuine, but some understanding of a university’s dynamics helps explain some of the gap.
Not to minimize the hurt these students felt, which I believe is genuine, but some understanding of a university’s dynamics helps explain some of the gap.
A beautiful piece and great read. I will bring up one minor counterpoint to your faculty diversity numbers cited. Those numbers may indicate systemic racism in the Yale hiring process, but those numbers mirror the ethnicity ratios of men and women with a master's degree or higher. They also mirror men and women over…
Right? Let’s ignore the very successful and stable Scandinavian countries or, more specifically, countries like Canada, which is closest to what we’d end up with. Embracing more socialist policies does not and will not wipe out the protections we have under the Constitution and in some ways it will expand them. As it…
Stalin killed tens of millions of people. Mao killed tens of millions of people. Pol Pot killed tens of millions of people.
OMG, that is an amazing point! I can’t wait until I start my new job and sign up for an FSA. I started due to a car accident and it really does help minimize the shoulder pain still!
Yes this! I pay for my yoga membership with FSA $ because my psych agrees it’s essential for my mental health. It rules. And it is!
A couple years ago I had some vacation days that I had to use. I like to trail run and crochet, so I left my husband at home, packed the project I was working on and my shoes, and spent a long weekend at a mountain lodge crocheting and running.
Choosing my voluntary social engagements to be with supportive, compassionate people whom I have genuine affection and fondness for. That also means refusing to engage with people who will make me feel like shit, which unfortunately for them, means skipping the weekend phone call with my parents.
To me a tri colour flag over my selfie just didn’t seem an appropriate way to pay respect to the dead. I understand some people use it to show solidarity and to them it might mean something else so I have no issue with anyone doing it. My issue was more with people using it to get likes. I think a girl on my brothers…
I am sure there are more like you than you probably realize, but because of social stigma, not even mentioning gender stigma, others like you probably facade through life and pretend to care, certainly don’t make an effort to let everyone know about it. I joke to my bf that even though we like a lot of the same stuff,…
It’s not nonsense, and you’re a clueless ass if you don’t realize that. These problems are real. When women point out ways in which we’re tasked with doing all this invisible, undervalued, unrewarded labor, the correct response is not “well men have it difficult in X way, too, so stop complaining and let’s call it…
I’m so glad someone else said this - I was looking through all the comments to see if there was anyone else like me. Was feeling weird because I don’t do any of these things. I mean, if I have a very very close friend who’s having an issue I’ll listen, try to help, etc., but that’s it. I don’t do “feelings” with…
I do think the “we” thing is non-gender-specific, actually. I for sure do it to my partner...I think I picked it up from my mom (sigh). Usually when I do it, it’s a way to gently remind him that he needs to do a thing that he said he’d do and hasn’t yet. So it’ll be like:
Whenever I read articles like this I think I must be secretly a man. I have no idea how to act around children or in any situation that requires emotional skills of some kind.
There is a giant tape label that says “junk drawer”.
The biggest problem I see here is not with being too tired to argue about or teach this stuff; it’s that bringing it up at all is already doing the emotional work.
My husband handles the worst (to me) aspects of housekeeping (bathrooms, floors, windows in a large old house with LOTS of windows and an enormous husky that sheds like crazy) and takes complete care of the 3 dogs. It won’t kill me to pack varied, fun lunchboxes and make sure the Pluto science project is cool and…
Before you get on the NFL about this issue, just remember that they employ more colorblind people than any other business. And that’s just including the refs.