
I think this is a good sign. The 5th Circuit upheld the law, but in June the Supreme Court (4 liberals + Kennedy) blocked enactment of the law until the appeal was resolved. So, I don’t believe the Supreme Court would take the case unless they wanted to reverse. (Generally, the SC doesn’t take a case unless the

Good. I hope they see it as the shady dodge around the constitution that it is. “Protecting women’s health,” my ass. They just want to bring us back to the good old pre-Roe days where desperate women died at the hands of back-alley hacks, or by their own hands.

Couple that with the growing acceptance of the potential for life being vastly more important than an actual life....I’m extremely nervous about this case. I’m especially concerned for all the women caught in the middle of this.

This. Is. Fucking. Important.

I’m at best an agnostic, but this is worth prayer. Prayer for clarity of conscience on the part of the justices. Prayer for reproductive freedom. Prayer that our country won’t regress into a state where unsafe, illegal procedures are women’s only choice in controlling their own bodies.


inside-out lower intestine

Well, first you would have to find a Republican who can read.

In lieu of family support, I have boxes of wine.

My husband and I can't keep our house clean and we don't even have children yet. I can't even imagine...

You, random person reading this comment. You are the most beautiful.

I have two: Pam Grier and Helen Mirren. Both women were gorgeous when they were younger, and have aged gracefully and beautifully. Pam Grier was one of my first crushes. She is breathtakingly gorgeous.

America is bleeding! A bloody rainbow that mocks God’s covenant with Noah. As a naked Noah danced drunkenly while Ham laughed, so too will I dance naked and covered in ham. My Y is for Yahweh. My M for the MEN who can not feel His love deep in their bowels. My C is for Christ; May he fill your holes with his love. My

Apparently just before menopause the body goes ‘fuck it’ and releases all the remaining eggs. So you can get a period of super fertility. "Last chance girls!"

I would say that it kind of does matter because it feeds delusions that lead to this shit. Seriously. We stole a bunch of pagan holidays a few hundred years ago. Deal with it. If that undermines someone’s faith it is pretty weak faith.

Will penicillin work on that?

That’s my worst nightmare

Basically he is guaranteeing himself a secret decaf.

You chose . . . wisely.

What a coincidence! I get my barista to write “solstice greetings” on mine!

I imagine that’s because if you just told the barista your name was Merry Christmas, your cup would say Murray Caitlin. Or Muffy Chickopee.