I’m building a floral wall for one of my brides. It is going to be 8’x25’ of solid hydrangea to cover a hill she doesn't like (you can see the dirt!) and it will cost her about $15,000 after labor and everything.
I’m building a floral wall for one of my brides. It is going to be 8’x25’ of solid hydrangea to cover a hill she doesn't like (you can see the dirt!) and it will cost her about $15,000 after labor and everything.
Why is everyone always having Gatsby-themed birthday parties and weddings? That book is about terrible people being terrible! All of Gatsby’s fabulous parties are just a cover for his miserable, lonely life built on a foundation of lies! It is not an aspirational tale!
Okay, spoiler alert for those who do not know the Anderson story:
It takes that many years of political experience to weather those storms and still be able to form a complete sentence in public.... I could never do it! So I say hats off to her for getting her armor to go so well with her pantsuits.
Clinton will catch shit from all angles no matter what she says, so she is being measured and sane and sticking to the talking points. Because she has so much experience and well-practiced poise, she also has no need to talk shit about her opponents, even though she’s got more than ample opportunity (these guys are…
I like First Gentleman. First Mate sounds either too much like Scientology SeaOrg or like he might command something other than a small team of assistants to get him McDonald’s.
I love everything about this picture.
Keychains and nightshirts and clothes for your poodle
follow me you can see pix of my doge
The doll even has salt-spray hair. Her attention to detail is impecable.
YES!! THANK YOU!! I’m glad I’m not the only damned person here that realizes that it was voter apathy that took this down and not “Houston is full of sweaty bigoted rednecks” because “sure why not”!
I sincerely fucking hate the fact that any time there is an article about any state that isn’t in New England or on the West Coast doing something stupid, half the comments are calling to kick those dumb hicks out of the union.
Out of over 2.2 Million people that live in the city limits, only 258,000 voted on the measure. Voter apathy killed this prop.
I’ve always defended Houston to you all, but today I’m going to stop. Today I’m finally ashamed to be a Houstonian. Only 600,000 people voted. Out of 2.2 million. I blame all of the people I know who were eligible to vote and didn’t because they were “too busy” or “their vote wouldn’t matter,” or forgot to register or…
Rights shouldn’t be voted on. THAT IS WHY THEY ARE RIGHTS.
I wonder how many comments will rise about the “HurrDurrTexasredneckcousinfucker” level.
We’re calling it the Italian Grandma Photoshoping process.