
For some reason (probably because I am a silly woman & so not very smart) I understood this as: only babies are allowed to have opinions.

this was pretty “funny” but I think that you OWE the american People a the “truth” about why you keep writeing garbage like this.

There’s a kind of groupthink going on amongst the candidates, even though they don’t spend any time together. They’re constantly involved in a kind of rhetorical tail chasing, that they’ve all forgotten anything they themselves wanted to say and bring to the table.

The leading Democrats came out of their debate feeling

My god being a ‘childless person in your late 20’s’ is a thing? I didn’t think anyone considered themselves ‘childless’ until their late 30’s. Being a childless person in your late 20’s is being a person in your late 20’s.

Being President as a child sounds awesome but as an adult? It sounds like a truly horrifying job that no one should actually want.

don’t underestimate babs’ commitment to staying on message

I, too, am convinced the Republican nom will go to Rubio. Trump is too uncontrollable so the party establishment will do everything they can to torpedo him before the primaries. Cruz is kind of the same thing. He’s with the Republicans as long as their purposes align with his, but he’s turned on them before and the

In that way, running for President is to the incredibly wealthy and Republican what running a marathon is to being a childless person in your late twenties: you’re probably not going to win, and you’re pretty sure a Kenyan won the last one.

Your whining makes me want to get a praying mantis tattoo.


Let’s say you’re making a bullshit argument based on the idea that we should “tolerate” bigoted, hateful, illogical positions the same way we tolerate rational discourse.

When they said they would pray for them:

Two adults, two kids, no income. It was the scariest situation of my life. The school offered no severance, no financial assistance, no advice, not even any consolation.

Earlier this year, I got a tattoo of a honeybee on my collar bone. Because in a beehive, the females lead. The females do the work. And they’re willing to die for the things they believe in.

Recently, digging through an old forgotten shoebox of knickknacks, I came across my click wheel Nano, circa freshman year in college. For one minute I scrolled through, soaking in the perfectly preserved artifact, visceral memories rushing in with each click click click. It went dark, not to be restored, but the acute

Lies! I studied economics in college, I use the internet and took at least 2 marketing classes so I know exactly what is going to happen in the future.

In 2000 my dad was like, “I think I’m going to buy a digital camera.” And I was like “YOU ARE A MORON!!!!”

lol “I have a CD Walkman.”

I miss that dope click-wheel. I miss it so hard. That was one beautiful piece of design, wasn’t it? I can still remember the frisson of near-erotic pleasure I got the first time I slid my fingertip around it. Sexy motherfucker. Knew exactly what it was doing to me, the dirty bastard.

I support abortion rights because I support the radical notion that women should have at least as many rights as corpses. Think about it. For organ donation, we require the consent of the deceased. Mandatory organ donation, or even an opt-out organ donor registry (that’s where everyone is included on this list unless