It would be fucked BEYOND BELIEF if these dumb fucks were to drag all these women in front of some demented Congressional McCarthyist hearing under the guise of sussing out alleged “coersion.”
It would be fucked BEYOND BELIEF if these dumb fucks were to drag all these women in front of some demented Congressional McCarthyist hearing under the guise of sussing out alleged “coersion.”
First thought.
Anyone else terrified for these women and the employees? I would not put it past these assholes to leak all that personal info to anti-choice psychos.
Being ice cold is definitely a trait I look for in world leaders.
She did just as well as everyone expected. Republicans are stupid—just like all their “tactics” over the past few years, they shot themselves in the face last night.
She did better than anyone expected, except for those of us who know Clinton has been working in Congress since the mid-70’s and testifying in front of them for the last 20 years, which means she’s been doing exactly this for significantly longer than any Republican on the committee has even held their current office.…
It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.
My Dad described yesterday’s affair perfectly; “one increasingly presidential looking lady surrounded by a circus of sweaty assholes”.
I shop through amazon smile, and a percentage of every purchase goes to PP.
I think the ‘safe’ is the key point here. If abortion weren’t a life-threatening procedure, nobody would have died in those pre Roe v Wade back alley abortions. Ergo, healthcare options that don’t include abortion are safer for women than those that do. Obvs.
Let’s look at all the silver linings here.
We can be prosecuted for buying abortion pills online here in Ireland, they also run the risk of not being what they claim to be. We really dont have a lot of options when it comes to our own bodies and our own agency
Sooooo women in Ireland have an “equal” right to life? Equal? To a fetus? Or a clump of as yet not a fetus cells? EQUAL????
Unless the pill doesn’t fully work and they are stuck with a rotting fetus in them. Then it gets horribly infected, but they can’t do anything about it because they aren’t able to tell anyone they got an abortion.
How about because women are dying in Ireland for lack of legal, safe abortions. How about because not every abortion is simple and taking drugs that induce an abortion is not a great idea without seeing a doctor before who can tell you if it’s safe? How about because buying pills on the internet is not always safe?…
Paul Ryan’s entire life is an example of “for me, but not thee.”