After all this time insulting women for being “emotional”, it turns out these guys are the pathetic ones.
After all this time insulting women for being “emotional”, it turns out these guys are the pathetic ones.
NB: this won’t be a “chick flick” because Sparks’ taut, muscular writing is very serious, very art.
Also “increasingly marginalized” = increasingly less completely dominant in all spheres, so. Cry me a river indeed.
A whole bunch of much more violently misogynistic societies don’t have this mass murder problem. The problem is the extraordinary availability of guns in the US.
I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder
Margaret Atwood was on point when she said,
I learned today that Trump DICTATES HIS TWEETS.
Sometimes, Youtube comments hit that sweet spot.
Why must we insist on being disappointed with her decision not to run?
I hate how people repeat the first fact though, like it’s an excuse to still operate. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing, but I just really don’t like when people are like “ignore the abortions, they do so much good”. NEWSFLASH: Abortions are good.
Somewhat unrelated - but I am sure these goons are related to the Planned Parenthood debacle - there were anti-abortion protesters outside my local Target this morning. They were lining the main road with pictures of dead babies and signs saying “pray to end abortion.”
Yes! We NEED her in the senate. With the way the legislative branch keeps blocking/derailing/trying to shut down, why don’t people realize it’s fucking important to have those like Warren there? We just want to leave it to all the goons?
because she realizes, she can do more in senate than as a president
I’m glad she highlighted the other important work they do, but it’s nice to hear her defend abortion, too. I heard a doctor who performs abortions explain why one time. He said making abortion illegal doesn’t save babies, it kills women. There is no evidence it prevents a lot of abortions, but it does make sure a lot…
omfg women get so pissy when male chauvinist politicians want to make life or death decisions for them.
Some very smart, funny moments there, especially with marriage and with the pipeline.
HAHHAHAA oh my god STOP that is NOT real you made that up!