
Oh, and the movie was great, too. Stunningly beautiful cinematography and a fairly close adaptation of the book. But there was a butt.

Unrelated, but I got to see The Martian last night and am still excited about it. Plus there was a naked butt scene.

Yes! As an adjunct, you go ladies!

When did 20% get to be the standard? I’m not complaining but I recall 15% being the norm and then it’s 20%.

Tipping is the worst thing about America.

20%? “Outrageous tip”? No, sir. 20% is standard. An “outrageous tip” might be “Tip: to save money when dining out, be sure to steal from your waitstaff. Act like a fucking jerk in full view of other humans. If possible, yell at someone who cannot yell back at you as if you are a tyrannical king. Later, publish a short

My guess on what really went down:

I hope he gets rated honestly on Peeple by all his acquaintances.

why listen to a band when you cant even participate in the band?

they don’t seem to even really be aware of where they are. it’s not about only men being able to have fun. if they were all sitting and chatting to one another and just eating their food and being social, then fine, have fun, be silly, more power to you. but they’re sitting there and taking selfie after selfie after

True dat. It’s an excuse to drink beer and eat hotdogs outside.

True empath:

“Can I take myself off Peeple?”

I’m sorry, I stopped at the name of her character. “Take heart, for Mrs. Pankhurst has been CLAPPED IN IRONS AGAIN!”

I don’t know if this helps but here you go

That’s my issue with the response. To each their own, if you consider yourself a humanist then fine. But it feels like many people are using the term humanist to call themselves feminist without actually using the word feminist. It’s well past time we realize feminist isn’t a dirty/outdated word.

I’m a humanist too. I insist that the God of the Middle ages move towards the background in depictions of the individual. I believe in the study of Aristotle, in grammar, rhetoric, and philosophy. I like to paint my models naked, because the human form is noble and carries ideas. I am a humanist. Meryl, I love you,


The problem is that the definition you just posted there isn’t what she meant. Humanism has zero to do with equal gender rights. Feminism promotes the nice easy balance she spoke of. She meant feminism, but she was afraid to say it.

It disappears sexism (real sexism; not “misandry”) as an axis of oppression.