
because fuck turning the other cheek, make the assholes look like even bigger assholes.

But the good news is, now that they’ve dipped their toe in homosensuality and have been tainted forever, they can just stop pretending with this religion nonsense and get on with living, with all the anal and drinking and meth and child sacrifice that entails.

This could be about catharsis. This could be about showing bigots that no matter what they think in their tiny minds that they have always served gay people pizza. This could be a fuck you.

The fundiegelicals claim that being born again means that any time they choose to sin, all they have to do is tell Jesus they’re sorry and he’ll instantly forgive them.

Apparently anything short of stoning to death gay unbelievers is now considered 'supporting' their lifestyle.

Chic-fli-a’s owners my be bigots but they have never said they wouldn’t serve people in the GLTB community.

They would not have the right in some states. Part of the goal is to make that the national standard. It’s not a huge issue to me, personally... I’d just as soon quietly take my business elsewhere so they don’t get that influx of sweet, sweet bigot cash. But I don’t see it as “oh you gays want acceptance but you can’t

every time two gays get married, a Christian loses a right

But there are passages specifically banning pepperoni and sausage

So immoral for us to demand to be treated as first-class citizens but then hypocritically expect to be treated as first-class citizens! Why, the contradiction is obvious!

“imposing on the right to deny them service [based on their race/sexuality/gender]”

So does a gay couple have to notify the business owners before making every purchase to insure they are not offending its owners by trying to buy thier services or goods or does it just apply to the openly bigoted businesses?

“they’re hypocritically imposing on the rights of the pizzeria to deny them service.” This is some Joseph Heller-esque Catch-22 shit right here.

Those awful LGBTs want rights, but then they’re hypocritically doing normal things like engaging in commerce! I too am appalled!


That blue outfit is completely over the top and I want it. Especially that hat.

I apologize for my graphic comment.


Sorry. It just freaking kills me that there are, you know, VOTERS who believe this shit. It’s like the idiots who believe that climate scientists are all involved in some mass conspiracy to positively review each others’ papers and keep those sweet government research funding dollars rolling in.

My only complaint about NASA’s discovery is that they didn’t also find water on California while they were at it. Buncha assholes.