
How is this buried in the grey? DETAILS PLEASE.

Just coming here to say that a friend of mine is on Raya and she legitimately used it to score the weirdest weekend with Matthew Perry.

Well, they did say your personality.

And if only you can see those 12 special emails, you’ll be able to prove it!

You can hate Mike Huckabee and still not hate people. Mike Huckabee is not legally a person.

She is such a mom and I love her for it

I bet your cat is way more clever. Be fair.

It’s HEALTH CARE. That’s all. Anybody that puts the welfare of there fellow human beings aside to adhere to some primitive puritanical ideology is dealing with some serious cognitive dissonance.

“If they’re doing such a great job, why aren’t these things better?”

I would like to favorite your words on “blocking everyone who is not exactly like yourself”, without tacitly supporting Hillary Clinton (or any other fascist, Trump, whoever.) Always important to remember that the same features that make life livable online also run the risk of distorting your sense of popular opinion.

THANK YOU FOR THIS. Ugh, I love Bernie to death but I love keeping the White House from the GOP more.

Like the only thing that’s been keeping him from being a sexual predator for all these years is that blue circle on a door. And in the same breath he’ll deny that sexual violence is used to enforce the status quo.

Can we have a special vote to choose which one he goes to?

Huckabee. The husband just doesn't have enough sense to not make matters worse by almost unconsciously dressing as every 'dumb-hick' stereotypeimaginable in public. Seriously, dude, at least put on a button up shirt and some slacks. Hell, even a pair of nice jeans and a belt would be better than that. If someone

If I was Kim Davis I’d be soooooo pissed that Huckabee turned my special martyr appreciation rally into a presidential rally all about him. I bet he wears white to her fifth wedding, too.

LOL the rally is still going on and Huckabee just said he’s willing to spend “the next eight years in the White House” or in jail. EITHER WAY, Y’ALL.

That outfit is for sheep raping

If Huckabee is taking Kim Davis’ place in jail I will selflessly take Rihanna’s place in life.

This is a Fellini film freakshow- but that hat is BONKERS! Straw with a green visor?!

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