
If we don’t laugh we cryyyyyy

No, no, it wasn’t about slavery tho, it was about heritage. ;D

TripIt. That app is the greatest thing that ever happened to travel planning. It goes into your email (or you can forward things to it) and picks out all the travel related things (hotels, flights, tour tickets, etc) and cobbles them together into a cohesive trip for you. It also stores the information offline on your

Also Google Maps lets you download routes so they can be viewed statically!

I’m biased, but ROADTRIPPERS! If you’re planning a road trip, that is. If you’re flying, I love Hipmunk.

Good relationships are pretty quiet things. They are not spectacular explosions.

Once again, Tara has lasso-ed my heart with her art. Now I’m gonna mosey off and do sum readin’

Here’s the thing you can have your own reasons for doing so (your reason may even be that you don't give a shit if it's a sexist tradition) but you CANNOT deny doing so is rooted in sexist tradition. Hell, so is marriage as an institution. I should add I am a married woman who took my husbands name for my own reasons

Its as sexist as the man taking the women’s name (which isn’t sexist at all) how about we let people choose what they want without assholes like you trying to put them down? If a man would like to take his future wife’s last name great that’s fine, if he’s completely against it great that’s fine. If a woman wants to

That one was pretty damned special. But hell, MOST of them are. Like the guy who claims he runs his whole household, so he deserves for his wife and children to use his name. Far, far more women run households than men, but somehow I doubt he expects men to take their wives’ names in those cases (also, I rather doubt

Holy fucking God, those quotes. I mean, yes, it’s Thought Catalog, which is a few steps below the Daily Mail. But these aren’t rare, or out of the mainstream, male opinions. So many men are horrified and outraged at the idea of “losing their identity,” and at the gross unfairness of even considering taking another

shot lightly in the face

There is a perfect West Wing quote for every occasion. Hats off to you ma’am/sir!

*targets and murders black child for existing while black*

I hope somebody in my office calls an ambulance because, at the rate I am banging my head against my desk, loss of consciousness must be imminent.

I like how that article describes Zimmerman as “former Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman”

same! But I hate winter so much i refuse to wish for autumn (although I’m secretly gazing at my sweaters)

If it makes you feel any better, I’m allergic to Allegra. Yes, the allergy medicine. Isn’t that the dumbest shit ever? It doesn’t even make sense but here we are.

War Eagle!