
The poor woman won at Journalism, which unfortunately means she loses in Fox News.

she’s being sent back to HQ for reprogramming

Considering she has been getting death threats I wouldn’t blame her for wanting to be out of the public eye for a bit and take her family somewhere private and safe. Seriously America - do not send people death threats every time you disagree with them, it is not cool.

So she thinks a parent should be able to choose whether or not to vaccinate her kids, but she doesn’t think a woman should decide whether or not to become a parent in the first place.

I’m gonna cross-post from above:

No, because then they will simply use those deaths as evidence that the vaccine doesn’t work. Somehow.

Fine. More fetal tissue for the rest of us.

Every anti-vaxx idiot should be forced to watch this, A Clockwork Orange-style.

I’m more offended by this portion of her BS (from elsewhere) ““I think parents have to make choices for their family and their children,” she told the news site. She added that it was “hard to make a blanket statement” about immunizations, drawing a distinction between vaccinating for measles (“makes a lot of sense”)

a potential voter and mother of five who says she won’t allow her kids to receive vaccines made from “aborted babies.”

Remember, it’s always the parents’ choice. Their freedom to choose is tantamount. The government should never control that important right to the plans you have for your family. Your “family planning,” if you will.

a mother of five children who said that because of her religious beliefs, she will not allow her children to receive any vaccines that were created using cells from “aborted babies.”

I could afford to go out. I couldn’t afford to subsidize my richer friends’ more expensive meals. Thankfully, I had friends who thought the pleasure of my company, and the company of other poorer friends in our friend circle, was worth the minor inconvenience of paying for what we actually ordered.

Very good point. But if you change it to pushing off a two-story building and replace the baby with a grown woman, I wonder what the answer would be. Because that’s what the abortion debate comes down to. It’s not really important whether a fetus is a baby, but whether a fetus is more important that the woman.

Fruitarian fetuses!

The only moral abortion is the one Ben Carson wants you to have so he can write a paper.

I can’t wait for the day Megyn Kelly finally fucking loses it.

The second sentence makes it sound like he opened the lab fridge and found an unclaimed lunch bag.

The old “I’m against this, but it’s okay if I do it” routine.

“To willfully ignore evidence that you have for some ideological reason is wrong. If you’re killing babies and taking the tissue, that’s a very different thing than taking a dead specimen and keeping a record of it.”