Bigger difference? He actually did something wrong which justified getting stopped in the first place. But, then again, she was black doesn’t need to do anything wrong.
Bigger difference? He actually did something wrong which justified getting stopped in the first place. But, then again, she was black doesn’t need to do anything wrong.
Have black people, you know, tried not to be black when approached by police?
“Now you have to sit there and look at a blended area and wonder, is this for a boy, or is this for a girl?”
UGH YES. People who get up in arms about this shit seem to have forgotten what it was like to be a kid. You’re only part of a person, you’re figuring everything out. Telling a little boy he can’t play with a doll or a little girl she can’t play with trucks is SO potentially damaging. Kids are supposed to be kids, let…
Now you have to sit there and look at a blended area and wonder, is this for a boy, or is this for a girl?
I mean, I know we’re all laughing at these people but sooner or later there’s going to be a cooties epidemic and we’re all going to feel very foolish.
Oh she’s allowed to take maternity leave, you’re just not allowed to tell her she has to give it to other people.
Because history shows us that when we allow companies freedom to choose to do the right thing, they always come through, amirite?
I think we come to the whole ‘before those women insisted on working one mans wage could support a wife, 14 children, three sheep and t-rex’ either way we’re in the wrong.
Yes, early forms of a democratic system we’d recognise are seen in Athens in the 4th or 5th century BCE so bit more in fact, why?
This is another one of those bizarre Twilight Zone “memories” right-wingers seem to have. As if there was ever some “good old days” when equal people went around calling each other rude names to their faces, and everybody laughed and enjoyed it.
PC crap means treating other people with respect.
“Malala, heroes don't get shot in the face."
Megyn Kelly is a Rorsach test for both sides (Liberals: She could be so awesome if she just got away from Fox News; Conservatives: What woman problem? We’ve got Megyn and, ummm), but in the end, all Megan Kelly cares about is Megyn Kelly.
The only thing that makes sense at this point is that he is secretly working for the Democratic party.
Trump is a disgusting piece of excrement, I don’t think anyone is debating that. But can any member of the GOP tell me that Jeb Bush, who passed a bill to slut shame women in newspapers is any better? Is John “transvaginal” Kasich any better? They all seem like “losers” to me.
omg i’ve been sayin’ this for years! wondering why your boss is such a jerk? because being a jerk is what made him successful. as a society we enable and reward this type of behavior from people, and it’s amazing more people don’t realize this.