
It’s not even the role - people stone cold refuse to believe that it’s possible for a woman to actively dislike children and never want to have them, full stop. I actually had a friend once ay to me “You run around like your life is so great and everything, but just wait until you hit 40 and call me up crying “I want

I just wanted to interject that your perception gives me faith in humanity

My husband and I are having a baby in November, and it’s so weird seeing how sexist so many baby things are. Baby/parenting is like, the one market that really caters to women and excludes men. So much so that Amazon calls their service “Amazon Mom” rather than “Amazon Parent”- and it’s a relatively new service too.

Male allies for feminism actually makes sense though because feminism benefits men, whereas antifeminism benefits neither men nor women.

I get your point that maybe praising it might incentivize others to start doing it too, thereby being better for everyone in the long run.

The discussion here is that women don’t get praised for doing all the things you are doing, so it’s not that special just because you have a penis. It’s not in any way extraordinary, it’s just being a parent. Sorry.

Do keep in mind, though, that staying home with a puking kid sucks. It’s a benefit that you might not get fired for that, but staying home from work in order to get barfed on is not something that most people would choose over going to their jobs if such a choice were available.

“Sadly I spawned via cell division so I guess they’ll just have to fend for themselves like nature intended.

I just have to say that I hate field trips and all the other “not mandatory but heavily suggested” parental activities that take place during the school day. Sorry I can’t come to the holiday concert/Mother’s Day tea/trip to the zoo; I have a job.

I think you’re wrong, bud. Gender’s not a zero-sum game. You’ll find plenty of people here who accept the vision that men and women are both better off when you stop proscribing gender roles to both.

Yeah, that’s been my experience as well (hell, my MIL was super impressed because my husband was there for my C-section, while I was the one actually BEING OPERATED ON). It just irritates me, not because I don’t think he’s a good father, but because they’ve never called me a good mother, or even said anything positive

My husband’s company offers 4 or 6 weeks of paid paternity leave (I can’t remember which), but he said that most of the men in his office only take part of it, usually 2-3 weeks. I told him that when we have a child, he will absolutely take every single day available to him even if he feels like it’ll be too hard to

My dad too! My mom had to be at work early in the mornings, so my dad did the entire wake kids up-get dressed-yes you have to wear underwear- eat breakfast-pack lunch-dishes-laundry-walk to school, including hot breakfasts almost every morning and funny poems packed in my lunch. Mom did after school/daycare pickup and

I’m so glad this is here. Politics is my second favorite sport after baseball. Can we please discuss the fact that Jeb! has to stand between Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump for like 2 hours? Like, if someone said to you “you can maybe be President of the United States but first you have to stand between these two

hey its going be one hell of drinking game

He has binders of women’s health!

Some of his best friends are women’s health!

BUSH '16: Nobody puts babies in the coroner.

A single long range strike plane for the military costs approximately half a billion dollars. Professional football stadiums (all taxpayer funded) are now topping out around a billion dollars. But these douche nozzles are whining about improving the lives and health of millions of women for the same cost.

“what’s absolutely, unequivocally wrong is giving your vote to an org whose practices show no regard for lives of actual living women”