The Mechanics Of Road Beef

Good God almighty. Comment of the week buried on a Saturday night? Shame. 

Nope. Nothing comes to mind.

“only once in the award’s history has it gone to a primarily defensive player.”

I wonder if he ever lost?

I wonder if he ever lost?

I guess they're in league with journalists. 

Totally unrelated: mainstream media gets to keep its White House access. 

Recently there was a report estimating how many billions of dollars it will take to buy us 20 years so we can reverse (or at least slow) the damage we’ve done and are doing to our environment.

I've thought about checking Brave out for awhile. I'll do that this weekend. Thanks!

We need Crouton to meet up with Devin Nunes' cow. 

Don't even get me started on mobile. Kinja on mobile has always been a tire fire, but it's gotten really bad lately. 

Well, lah-di-dah, Mr./Mrs. “I don’t need to be mauled to make $30K.” Down here at the 300-lb. Guys Mauling You factory, we get mauled constantly and rest our dirty faces easy knowing that we made an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work. SMH at you East Coast Elites with your no-mauling philosophies. There’s just

Yes, thank you. I’ve been continuing to visit the G/O sites because I like a lot of the writing and the comment sections (trolls and racists notwithstanding). But fucking hell has it gotten significantly worse over the last couple of months. Say it with me now, G/O:

I don’t understand why you send a guy to steal 3rd with a left-handed batter. There’s nothing stopping the catcher from making that throw easily.

Also, I appreciate your initial response to my first comment. 

I know it's tempting, but no need to engage the troll. It doesn't make you feel any better and makes them think their arguments are legitimate. The dismiss button is your best friend here. 

I particularly enjoy having the music I’m listening to on my headphones stop when I open a page that has autoplay videos. Especially when the video starts out with an ad.

and that there is exactly no chance at all that people will respond with “Lighten up and learn to recognize a compliment”/ “These things happen when you choose to put yourself on TV”/ “What he did was wrong, but did he really deserve to have you humiliate him on TV and social media like that?”

Okay, I keep posting but I keep thinking of things...

I just... I don’t get why...

although there is no evidence that Donald Trump would support any kind of collusion or obstruction