The Mechanics Of Road Beef

I thought we were supposed to stick to sports?

They were actually not terrible for a little while there. Then some injuries happened and we’re back to square one. 

These ads are all totally sports related:

That's the worst part of AirPods. For a company so obsessed with elegant design, they have fucked up *a lot* in recent years. 

Adapters, while a band-aid and not a true solution, mean you do have a choice.

I’m genuinely surprised they haven’t killed all the comments with the email address.

Just recruit Deadspin comment talent. That's how KSK started, and it was absolutely phenomenal for a good long while until (checks notes) corporate overlords fucked it all up. Hmm.

Damn, they really did take it down.

That tweet is on par with “crab Rangoon” and "BUT"

It’s just helmed by people who have absolutely no clue or care as to what people actually want. They do what’s best for the bottom line, period.

They're good dogs, Brent

Game recognize game

Now playing

This reminds me of Patton Oswalt’s birthdays bit:

Even when looking at photos of his own inauguration, he lied about how it was the most attended inauguration ever, WHILE LOOKING AT THE PHOTOS. It doesn’t matter what “plays into” whatever narrative he’s on about, he will lie in service of his own image and benefit, as he’s done all his damn life.

I feel like “fuck autoplay videos” should just be the default signature to all Kinja comments.

Look, I know the “Boo-urns” Simpsons joke is badly played out, but there’s a non-zero chance Fox News tries it. That, or accuses someone (Nationals, Nationals Park, Antifa, Democrats, someone else) of hiring tens of thousands of people to boo Trump in that moment. That, or finding some historical evidence (real or

I feel like we're 7-10 years away from "Tyler Perry mulling a run for President" articles.

God, I love Deshaun Watson.

Which shoes did you wind up going with? From that header pic, it looks like the Brooks. How'd they work?

Coaches have been identifying athleticism as the overarching best quality in a rusher for years. Used to be front-7 guys were either fat n’ dirty (d-line) or simply vicious and unafraid (LBs). Now they’re recruiting and cultivating these speed demons that are also the size of trucks. I look at someone like Brian