
I may not agree with your mother on this show, but I still think she sounds awesome!

While I’m predisposed to enjoying them, this feels like one that could appeal to those who’ve sworn off the MCU. (Of course those are least likely to see it unless they’re dragged along or stumble upon this recommendation out of morbid curiosity.) If you see only one Black superhero film this autumn, make it Black

His entire performance in Mask of the Phantasm. I had it on VHS when I was a kid and probably wore out the tape from watching it so much. The code-switching he does in that movie between Bruce and Batman is amazing - betrays the full spectrum of emotions he goes through.

It’s going to work, too.  ‘Dave Chappelle to host SNL’ has twice the comments as the actual SNL episode review. 

They’re getting a host that's going to get everyone paying attention to the show?  Why would they do that?

But, they’re poors.  Don’t you understand?  

The most unbelievable part of the She-Hulk TV series is how all those dudes on Tinder swiped left on Tatiana Maslany.

The Hyundai is uglier.  Simple as that.

Larry? He could be good.

Are you talking about Strange New Worlds Season 2: Electric Boogaloo?

DC was going to have Michael Keaton come back as well. While I appreciate the effort and politics it took to get Henry Cavill back for a scene... I won’t expect anything more until it actually happens and is released.

His name is literally “Good Friend.” How can that not be a setup for a twist villain reveal?

Feels like he also knew the Breen had occupied Brekka, and ‘conveniently’ had a reporter in place to capture the dominant reveal of the Aledo to get the message out about new Starfleet capabilities.

Wild theory time:

It is stunning that no matter who is in charge at Warner Brothers they never seem to understand Superman on the big screen (Superman and Lois has been an unexpected treat). Even Superman the Movie was kind of an indie production they merely distributed.

‘Man of Steel 2' would be a dumb name. The trilogy should be:

but what if you are reading a non spoiler review from a critic or website you trust and have agreed with in the past? If they say the movie is a mess why would you doubt it?

While not all of these shows may be to everyone’s taste, I see that as a feature, not a bug. Having different shows with different tones allows us to have a lot of Trek without them stepping on each others toes too much. If they were all too samey, I think that the whole Trek renaissance would likely burn out pretty