
Why don’t we let capitalism solve this problem. Top plastic producers pay money to send the trash into the sun. Doesn’t space x need money? What can go wrong? 

Because now he wants the attention. 

If someone can take all three movies and make one good supercut, I will sit down and watch.

Is there a market for xbox hand held? wouldn’t making an app that can be used on steam deck solve the market demand problem?

I know it won’t happen but, I desperately want Disney to use X-men to beat ron desantis over the head with his dumb laws and go after all these online “news” channels. Like just have it in the background of the movie as TV/radio chatter, or newspaper headlines. Hell, go after entire maga spectrum... wow this list kept

Don’t think so, Beau has deep love for the X-men. Don’t see him doing anything that would distract from it’s success. Since the response has been so positive, who’s to say that Disney won’t bring him back like they did with James Gunn.

Were any of these movies good?

Can the more knowledgeable people here make the proper comparison of where the CT ranks? Every time I see a CT story my mind just goes The modern day Ford Pinto.

Star Wars animation seems to just be padding the timeline with extra characters and more stories to tell. Not sure if this will truly be a season 2 type deal or different series all together. 

Time to go to netflix to pitch my darker version... Robin Hood: Devils, Demons, and Spirits.


Doesn’t have to be that complicated, Jack can just be burning his bluesky bridges out of anger and/or be setting up a return to twitter/x. He be pivoting to what he feels will be his next big payday or put him in a position of power. 

Meanwhile the new generation are ‘I want it now, I want to process it now’, then moving onto the next thing,

Can I say that I’m both impressed and disappointed that the show has not used Bishop or Cable to do anything timey - wimey and save Gambit. Even if its saved for the season finale or next season, we have gone two episodes and they are letting it play out. This is crazy and i’m here for it. 

yeah i caught that too. in the books whenever the writers wanted to make a character stronger they would throw in a story where Xavier/Magneto/a teacher showed the mutant how to “truly harness” their mutant abilities. So maybe he learned how to, maybe sinister put that in him. I dunno

How many people submitted pulling over and rolling around in the ground yelling that they are being stung by bees?

Was this the last thing you had to do before taking a long weekend? Wait, did AI write this?

I feel like the reason old bad movies/tv shows reach the netflix top 10 is because it take effort to look for quality content. Same for people that binged all of Fallout on amazon.

Excellent now give us Lando, K-2SO, and Ventress

This is the way to go. RDJ just hit 59 years old. as an AI we can have him in the MCU 16 more years