
“You can’t help but wish one of Cage’s former collaborators like Michael Bay [...] were on board to elevate the action.”

Expertly presented this story in the clickbait-iest way possible. I’m almost impressed.

Rebel Moon looks like the grimdark Star Wars nobody wanted.

Holy christ, maybe next time let someone who actually enjoyed the trailer do a breakdown of it

The anti-Pratt Internet - so, the Internet - is having a blast with the homoerotic stuff there.

I’m ready to go the other way. I just re-binged Parks & Rec. Fuck you, Chris Pratt is awesome.

I’m going to dismiss replies that Sam Wilson “doesn’t count.”

I love everything about your comment until the “pretty good” assessment of the Snyder Cut JL. That’s just bizarro world fiction. 

First time *that’s* been said about this movie...

An Orphan Black sequel with no Tatiana Maslany??

Look deeper.

The Global Repatriation Council is on a bus advertisement. So it’s post-Infinity War, if not Endgame.

I get that new concepts and words can be hard. The singular “they” in English only goes back to the 14th century

Learn English. They is a very common singular pronoun, and has been long before trans folk started using it.

I’ll do you one better… why is Marc Spector?

My wife wants to buy a travel trailer because her childhood featured one. I can’t get behind that because

Right? The snide comment about Jon Batiste’s album is bullshit as well - it’s a fantastic album that I’ve listened to over and over, and millions of other people have as well. Rich appears to think that the Grammys should be catered to his specific taste, which is just weird.

You have no idea how much it pains me to sound anything like a “I’ll just wait a few years and pick one up used” guy, but this really does seem like a good future buying opportunity.

The chemistry between these two is a huge part of why Winter Soldier is the best Marvel movie.

which reinforces the idea that this change is being imposed by non-Spanish speakers.

Well there was that one time when Tony made his secretary the CEO