
Chris Evans gives some of the most tactful/safe interviews. When they asked him about the cat character in lightyear and how he is a dog person in real life, he fell all over himself trying to say nice things about cats (to not offend cat people?) it was ridiculous. Not sure if he is doing the same here (to not offend

It would be a two fold revenge plot, bring in both Vader and obi wan by holding the child of skywalker hostage. obviously she wont succeed because of the movies, unless they fake lukes death at the end of the episode but then the fans would revolt.

i guess i’ll watch one hour a day to make it last?

as someone who is not a fan of Margot Robbie fake new york-ish accent and choices mostly likely made by the studio, but enjoyed Kaley Cuoco’s take on Harley... I’m open to see what gaga or anyone that enters the Phillips’ ¿Joker-verse?

I took the same advice and my wife left me for one of the clones. 

Buffy also followed traditional tv schedule so while the cast was older, there wasn’t a three year gap between audiences seeing them and being able to notice the differences.

The guy from chuck/seth from the OC and others shazam kids will team up to beat up on the Rock....

Reminder that we in Texas are not a red state but a gerrymandered state and they are actively making it harder to vote this year.

I’ve had a few creative work schedules in my career and a day off in the middle of the week wasn’t that great. While this would be different when an entire city/state/country is doing it. My experience was usually that everyone else is working, couldn’t really plan to do anything. Although it was fun to watch my wife

It would be more on the trolling side and bringing up a “scandal” than a business tactic

I’ve said before and will say it again

Twitter should accuse Musk of violating a decency cause for his alleged sexual misconduct

Grammar Czar?

I think this is why (young) avengers will be a while before it is released. Marvel seems somewhat aware of the burn out and seems to try peper in some genre type films Horror - Dr. Strange upcoming Blade. Sci-Fi/cosmic - Eternals - GOG. Does deadpool count a comedy?

I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to the io9/gizmodo community members. i was not thinking when the post was made. my focus was more on kamala khan upcoming show rather than the fact that i was only 7 days removed from the release date of the film. I will do better in the future. 

Question: Will the predator’s arsenal be different? They have the same weapons 300 years ago that they used in the 80's and 90's? 

Bringing in Wally just to come up with zero storylines for him. How hard is it for the writers to come up with villains that could handle two speedsters. Or come up with a B story where Wally needs to develop other super type skills solve problems (mentally/senses).   

Where do the Disney XD show fall? I haven’t gotten around to it but i heard animated GOG was good, mix reviews on animated Avengers.

Agreed, they could have easily written in Umar, with a dormammu vengence story, using the darkhold to control Wanda. Expanding on the Professor X scene to reveal Umar or something. Which would support brining in Clea in the tag.