
Let’s be real, if you are a fan of anything and go to fansites/follow those items social media you need to stay off the internet until you watch it/read it/etc.

I wonder how much (white) nerd rage would have happened if they kept the elastic and stretchy powers right after having Reed Richards appear in Dr. Strange.

No questions about what White Vision is doing out in the world? after his self evaluation one would figure he goes searching for Wanda.

The plot is simple and predictable; the villain’s motivation is a half-baked idea without a lot of emotional thrust”

Sadly Bruce Campbell is too old for the role now.

DC/WB needs to be breaking down his door to take over their movie franchise.

Give it five more years and try again, but this time and much like my criticism of DC/WB have a team overseeing the entire project, have a few throw away lines that can be interpreted a couple of ways, and the dreaded mid credit scene that can connect some dots. This way it doesn’t interfere with the main story and

ming na wen

meanwhile parks in Texas

Technically the new york yankees cheating and still losing, having to have lawyers/MLB seal the findings of the investigation in a court of law.. would make them the worst cheaters.

I would hope that his agent or team had enough sense to get him to walk back the comments before parts dried up though.

As a fellow handsome dude, I can tell you from experience that people will 100% ignore personal crises at work.  

Alien bio-tech is in toomes blood after years of using vulture suit and other items. His new DNA/Sci-Fi jargon words allowed him to see cracks in multiverse. He walked through it. Boom! Toomes can move through the multiverse. You’re welcome

The loose thread from far from home was that the stark/mysterio tech is still out there. Could the left over ex-stark employees team up with Smythe and birth spider slayers? 

Depending how far along his aphasia stage is, I can see him or his family on the awards circuit next year, honorary oscars, or life time achievement awards (golden globes, sag, grammy, maybe emmys)

That’s on Fox, they could have easily done some CGI work and allow him to have a better relationship with the rest of cast, build some chemistry. But they decided to have him in a make up chair for hours and just come out for his scenes and in an AC filled trailer between takes 

Guess that means there are no strong Disney movies being released during the series. Feel sorry for the movie that gets released on the Friday Gorgu makes a cameo

Its gambling, but with a Ponzi scheme tilt. The casino can’t just get up and walk away with all the money in the middle of the game.

I now fall into the retail investor and cyrpto trader category. I have no idea what to expect in the mail. I also sold a $200 NFT for 7k. My wife makes fun of me with how many boxes she is going to need for all the forms that will be sent to the house. Should be interesting to see if tax software is advertised to

I enjoyed the movie and would say I had above average expectations. I have enjoyed a majority of media that has involved Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. If their name is attached I will watch it.