
Looking to upgrade my soundbar, is it worth it to spend the extra cash on a dolby atmos soundbar vs anything listed here. I would be pairing it with a samsung q70 and xbox one s.

Looking to upgrade my soundbar, is it worth it to spend the extra cash on a dolby atmos soundbar vs anything listed

Ewan McGregor was great, but he was never a challenging villain to overcome. I was underwhelmed by this film. Was disappointed in its use of huntress. Not sure how it will play on TNT but waiting for HBO/streaming service for the full R-rated viewing is the right idea. 

Jester from Crime Syndicate earth played by Mark Hamill, with his pet monkey Harley

Everyone is talking about how Sony will mess this up, no one is talking about how Disney will sabotage the next spider-movie release.


As far as making changes away from the comics... I think I would be ok if Mary Jane Watson never shows up. A movie with Felicia Hardy though.......

Before getting fired (and maybe finding out about Endgame) Gunn was talking about doing a Rocket story and introducing Lylla. There was also twitter talk between him and Mark Hamill to be in the guardians vol. 3. Looking at Rocket comic story lines, I thought maybe Gunn was looking at the Toy War with Hamill playing

Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender

I wonder how he is managing his money. Beto reported raising enough funds that if managed right, he would be able to get past yesterdays debate and outlast whatever bumps the other candidates get.

I’m perfectly ok with this cash grab, lets beat Avatar.

Disposable throw away villain, Keanu is 54 or maybe something that requires CGI

We also have a Dr. Pepper shake to go with our Jalapeno and Cheese Whataburger. 

Obviously this movie need the momentum of the “i’m the juggernaut bitch meme” that Last Stand had going for it.

Does Winterfell now follow the lord of light? I have to think a lot of people are believers now after fighting the dead army. At least a church or supporters group.

was the picture on his phone? If so, that opens a lot of questions. why? what is the cleaning routine? when did he start doing this.

I remember saying to my girlfriend at the time before going to Ironman 1, “This might not be as good as X-men, the last movie RDJ did was as the bad guy in the Disney Shaggy Dog reboot starring Tim Allen.”

I’m curious to see if Endgame buries any movies for the next two weeks. I have a 5 year old and 4 yr old and I’m sure they rather go to endgame over ugly dolls, live action aladdin, or dog’s journey. They would probably pick avengers over pickachu but it would be a close call.

I’m pretty sure it was waived off as loki trying to get the staff back 

Seeing fantasy football matthew berry actually took me out of the movie for a bit, I thought to myself “seriously they put him in this movie” but the scene was so enjoyable I ignored it and kept going.

Cap coming clean to Tony about the Winter Soldier and the death of his father (or at least not having it as a secret anymore) made him Worthy to hold the hammer.