
A citation is not the same thing as context, nor is the quote a refutation of my premise.

What is an out of context quote supposed to do for me?

Aren't I what?
Do you mean "Don't you?"

Seems like he's more miffed about the misuse of those checks and balances. But you probably don't give a shit about how things are supposed to work, as long as you get your way.

Your candidate is literally the one Holocaust survivors say remind them of Hitler, you little nazi.

… But she didn't do that, so…

Well, it's pretty easy to win when you're willing to say literally anything to do so.

Mine? I didn't have a candidate.
And again, you're way blacker than I am, pot.

Logic isn't your strong suit.
At least you're in good company!

Your candidate's been hedging his bets in case of a loss for months. Grace? You wouldn't know it if it grabbed you by the pussy.

Why do you enjoy other people's pain? You realize that's evil, right?

Uh, probably. She's an adult.

I'm not sure what your point is. I think your real problem is that comments sections exist. How does it hurt Dave Chappelle to have a bunch of comments on an AV Club article disagree with him?
Just so we're clear, are you saying people shouldn't be able to have opinions, or voice them?

So are you saying everybody here must change their thoughts? Disagreeing with a statement does not equal trying to police thoughts.

Seriously? Chuck's been on Netflix and I'm not finding out till it's leaving?
Well at least it's getting one comedy special I'm interested in to balance that out.

You clearly just believe these women are lying for your own reasons. Your sources are dubious at best. You have no leg to stand on. It IS absolutely relevant, because it shows how a candidate for president has no respect for other citizens or the law.

Who's expecting that? Caroline seems to merely be appreciating that this does have a wide range of representation. And I'm pretty sure being inclusive is precisely what the creator(s) here set out to do.

Imagine there were another dominant species on the planet that tore us apart, live, sucked the meat off our bones and swooned at the sweet tenderness, it's easy if you try

That's one incorrect fact (unless you find something… morally objectionable about cheese?) and one kind-of slight.
I'm not sure you're using "gratuitous" correctly here.

Man, people are not so into this article.