
It really bothers me when I see ketchup spelled… that way.
Also, loose meat. Such a specific, unadorned, and unappetizing phrase to use so many times in one article. It had me cracking up.

It's an entertainer who's famous for his anti-establishment sentiments making comments in support of a president who epitomizes pro-establishment, anti-working class attitudes. In my estimation, that totally clears the low-bar for a Newswire article, particularly on a slow day.
Plus, one could argue that at this point,

We ARE the Westworlds!

What's disturbing about this isn't the existence of a typo, it's the fact that Donny Boy doesn't do research before carrying out his actions. He's said as much himself, and his misspelled tweets are evidence of it.
That's not a good quality in a leader of nations.

You know what would stop people making fun of his typos?
It's if he would stop making them all the time, making himself seem incompetent in the process.

For posterity, a report from Springfield, MO:
This movie's selling out theaters, with lines much longer than those for Logan. And they're all exactly who you'd expect.


Love Astro Coast and the Tarot Classics EP, but have liked their albums progressively less since then. Hope this one bucks that trend!

And the list of celebrities I don't have to consider rapists grows ever shorter…

Was actually through after. Reading comprehension. Didn't say Trump supporters specifically, just other bigots like (presumably) you. Later, nazi.

Okay, nazi. You think your 'side' is the only one who's experienced disgusting, violent behavior from the opposition? I'm through with this conversation, because you're clearly a brick wall. I'll leave you with this gem: intolerance against the intolerant is not intolerance.

Did you talk with all of the nazis? Because I'm pretty sure a lot of them just didn't want their families taken or killed. Which, I might add, was not on the table here, so bunk comparison. This is 21st century American politics, you voted differently than someone else, and now you're being an absolute garbage person

Well, they're not. And even if they were, they don't believe they are. And also, it still is.

Well that was a different situation. Their opponent had familial relations with those in power in key states. That's not something that existed here.

Uh, no. Game recognize game. He was CLEARLY, BLATANTLY playing people. Like, laying it in thick. But what you said doesn't track. Hilary was never going to claim it was rigged, and she still could if she wanted to.


Nah, the Trumpconomy will have that covered all on its own.

Enjoy the hollowness that permeates your existence! Hey, you keep sucking on your big man's dong, okay?

No, I don't know that she's a "Jew-hater." But it's also neither here nor there. My premise was that actual, living Holocaust survivor(s) saw Hitler in only one candidate: your man.

Do you not understand how English works?
If that were what you intended to mean originally, your comment would read "Aren't you a twat?"
Also, you don't need those single quotes around "No," also, it shouldn't be capitalized.
Turns out you're an idiot for lots of reasons!