
I'm sorry, what were the gratuitous insults?

Almost? It's literally referred to as the "Bat-family." What other relationship dynamic could be inferred from that?

What the hell? Christ, that is absolutely ridiculous. Three movies? A trilogy!? Ugh, five movies and a tetrology or bust! It's right fucking there.

What? It was disappointing? Maybe longer than it should have been, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Solid performances all around. Setting the second season in a hospital, though? Ugh. Ryan Murphy must like second seasons with Medical settings.

Sorry, but I absolutely and steadfastly refuse to watch anything, ever, with Chris D'Elia in it. His look, comedic style, and name, if separated into three different annoying men might near the level of tolerability, but as it stands, I simply can not abide.

Megaman Legends. Just give me one more and I can die happy.