Report: Kool-aid buyers like Kool-aid
Report: Kool-aid buyers like Kool-aid
Because for a little more I can own this?
I believe it may just be you.
I think the problem here is that you can’t actually market this thing to people who don’t know about cars. There’s no wool-pulling. It’s not like the Urus (I finally have an excuse to drive a Lambo!) or some heritage-laden tweedmobile (Careful with the Jag, darling).
Lots of car names became famous to normies for…
Every other sport in America has some sort of big fight once or twice in a season
Obamacare only worked great for the people who can’t afford healthcare. As myself being self employed I get zero group discounts, so I must pay full retail from the options given by ACA. My premium went from $138/month with a low deductible to $1,100/month with a $7,500 deductible literally as soon as it was enacted.…
The only people who say this are people who havent had Medicare. There is a reason private insurance is still needed to supplement Medicare and its cause it’s not actual insurance. It doesnt cover meds or most normal things and once you factor in Part C and Part D coverage the Medicare can have just as expensive a…
Right.... And a $50 trillion cost and the fact that it would be run by a government so inept that it can’t even run a railroad (Amtrak) or the postal service effectively (both far simpler than a health care system), totally won’t be an issue......... (really, I foresee such a system being a bankrupt trainwreck in less…
Sorry, Political rant..... I hate Trump just as much as anybody, but cash for clunkers perfectly embodied how the Obama administration quietly sucked. All their big plans; see Obamacare, Wall Street/Detroit bailouts, to go along with Cash for clunkers, looked good in the headlines but blew hairy balls in an ass…
The real travesty was when HBO canceled Flight of the Conchords.
Width is always more important than length. As my father once said(to my horror):
So here’s an interesting question. Obama targeted fuel economy, but sounds like Trump is targeting actual emissions. While the two are linked to some degree, I feel like Trump actually has some point in rolling back economy standards. Everyone is in a hissy about those numbers getting worse, and fairly to some…
someone not at work should google EDGING to see if the Ford Edge I saw comes up.
People move into a neighborhood next to a racetrack and then demand that its to loud they need to move the track. Ah that California.
I said “Can’t we find a course near SAN Marino?!” That SAN, with an ‘s’ you idiots!
Why not, nobody is playing football there. *
Because you only have to spend 60k to get a C8?
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”