Mister Win Blames People, Not Guns

This was the first time something's been EXACTLY as funny as it was meant to be in a long time. Most things either fall short(Dane Cook, Louie) or dramatically exceed(Jim Carrey's Lincoln commercials, Powerthirst 1 and 2) their intended funnyness.

I support this. These shirts will help us tell douchebags, shitheads and true assholes apart from normal human beings.

I don't know why I love movies where nothing really works out or gets done by the end(Predators, Iron Man 3, The Dark Knight, Need for Speed, The Losers, I could go on), but I really did love the fuck out of this movie.


Bears? But they're not...are they?-OH, you meant CHICAGO Bears! I was thinking of something else.

After watching this trailer, I realized just how much I want all movies to aspire to be "the best acted, coolest looking Lifetime movie ever made." YASSS.

"'Give up on your dreams, Susan.' She used to write that in my lunchbox."

1. I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually do the Photoshopping herself. Job creator!

Fancy paint didn't save TVR.

And this is a funny thing to plow a field with...

I'd buy it. Especially if I could get some sweet LS7 action going too?! Shit, I'd buy one toNOW.

Okay, this has been bothering me for a while: Does the mid-engine Corvette(of which I am still dubious by the way, e_e)mean the end of the front engine Corvette? Because I would really, REALLY not like that. Even if they were the same price.

It's like Weekend Update in evening couture. The Amal Almuddin/George Clooney joke was particularly amazing.

This is the Ridge Racer Revolution remake I've been waiting for.

The only answer besides Miata.