Mister Win Blames People, Not Guns

Any V-6 muscle car. Any of them. No pictures because I don't respect them enough to find one.

A short message for all the people who came here to talk down on the H2/H3s:

I think it'd cost too much to bring Hummer back as a company...but that doesn't mean there can't be a GMC General, does it? Hell, most GMCs look kinda Hummer-ish lately with the boxy fenders and the squarish lights anyways, just toned waaaaaay down. Imagine these with Hummer grilles, it's not that hard of a stretch:

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

The comment about Sasha and Malia's outfits was just about the stupidest thing anyone could say, let alone incredibly offensive. They look like adorable, normal young ladies. The girls have never worn anything that could be construed as inappropriate (as if Michelle would allow this, the lady knows from decorum).

Is it not just a little troubling that it took an adult woman "hours of prayer, talking with [her] parents and re-reading [her] words" to realize that her words were insulting and poor taste.

I'll just copy and paste what I wrote on Gawker:

I always have a chuckle at people who passive aggressively take to social media to tell others they need to have more class.

You know who didn't spend Thanksgiving with Terry Richardson? Gwyneth Freaking Paltrow. I award this round to Goop.

I've literally (literally literally, not figuratively literally) just seen someone on fb say it's called Black Friday because it's when Slave Owners would trade slaves to get ready for Christmas.

Fuck Eric Clapton and everything he ever touched, racist piece of shit. How do you go from 'I shot the sheriff' being your first hit to complaining about England becoming a 'Black colony'? Fuck him and his car, if I could afford to buy it i'd run him down with it and set it on fire.

That ain't right.

Oh for fuck's sake, Mormons.