Mister Win Blames People, Not Guns

Interchangeable bodies on skateboard-like platforms makes me wanna puke. I can't believe I couldn't buy a new car through the whole Golden Era of Horsepower we just went through. 

Slap Jack is some kind of card game, probably like Spades but with Jacks.

It's amazing when you can't even play and you're still WINNING! 

I just can’t be happy with a car that drives itself. The whole form and structure of cars is based around a driver, we have to fundamentally rethink the car if the driver isn’t driving and the logical conclusion is that the driving enjoyment is no longer a concern. The problem is, a lot of the actual reason to own a

It’s spelled Happyness in the movie

That’s an easy swap if you can find the interior trim, though. The gauges might be trouble.

Imma let you finish, but what does Trump’s dick taste like?

Tell that to the Michael Bay and Adam Sandler Hate Clubs. They're not just bitching about creators they don't like... They're SAVING CINEMA, damnit!

He makes his own movies with his own money. He’s not ‘getting parts’, he’s creating movies from scratch and most of them are pretty watchable if you’re not looking for a life-changing narrative and revolutionary screenplay... But fuck him because he’s LOUD sometimes, amirite?

Good. Fucking great, in fact. 

Eminem should go on Wildin' Out. The man can still freestyle entire beats better than Nick can write a single verse, if he EVER goes on that show it's gonna be the last episode. 

As a dude and an asshole, I try to keep my personal musings off Jezebel. This is YOUR space, and I come here to learn, not to teach... But I gotta say something here.

That’s cruel people thinking.

Dude, you can’t just make up bullshit like that!

the Gran Turismo is dead, Challengers are still cool and all the rest are excellent utility vehicles. Nothing about the 370Z justifies buying one, especially not at Infiniti Q50 prices. Definitely not a paint job.

Keep hating the bucktooth BMWs, that's gonna make it so much better when I get one. Especially after the LS swap. 

See, this is why I read this website. I’ve been shopping around a performance van for YEARS, the closest I ever got was an AWD Oldsmobile Silhouette with a supercharged 3800 from a Regal GS... that loved munching half-shafts and engine mounts, because it was designed for a 3400. It was fun for a month, then I put it

This is gonna be Disney+'s The Good Place... Or maybe their Doom Patrol? I can't tell yet.