Goddammit, I knew this was a Spanfeller thing.
Because you already have the parts! Cheap shit still works, think about how many awesome custom hot rod builds have Mustang II suspensions.
Bullshit, Andrew! This is fucking PERFECT!
My childhood ended the day Elmo’s World took over Sesame Street, this is just another closure.
I usually don’t post, but I had to say something today, because I’ve been here:
Everybody's from somewhere, and if they have opinions it becomes relevant. Maybe Houston should evict him if it has a problem with comprehensive reporting.
Kinja is still better than Disqus, though.
Disregard all of the above, and I apologize to Marvin for besmirching his memory and Tammi Terrell’s. He considered her a little sister, and her death by cancer is largely considered the starting point of Marvin’s downward spiral.
What’s Going On was Marvin Gaye’s best album, but I prefer his worst: Here, My Dear.
If you’re scared of pitbulls, you should DEFINITELY be scared of pigs. They have the same bulky, compact musculature-just much, much more of it, anywhere from 200 to 600 pounds! Also, they WILL eat you if they’re hungry, and they don’t care if you’re Jewish or Muslim.
Well, my Thanksgiving sucked.
The thought of someone hitting Melissa Benoist makes me so fucking mad... I really hope they figure out who did it, I understand why she didn't name names but the motherfucker doesn't deserve to work anywhere ever again.
Fucking gross, man. Not into it.
PROTIP: It can't be an SUV on a FWD platform. Even Audi didn't do the consumer that bad!
Yeah, this kills the game. One of the greatest pleasures of video games is getting to go back and use different styles and weapons to mix it up, but you can't do that if you're constantly facing tougher and tougher opponents.
I'm not the kind of sellout that tells someone Happy Holidays. No, I tell people to 'Make this a December to Remember!' then point out the nearest Lexus dealership.