The fuck is your problem, you passive-aggressive douche? Did somebody assign you Deputy Chief of the Formula 1 Media Coverage Police? Did somebody make you pay to read this website, so now your dumb ass thinks you have editorial power?
The fuck is your problem, you passive-aggressive douche? Did somebody assign you Deputy Chief of the Formula 1 Media Coverage Police? Did somebody make you pay to read this website, so now your dumb ass thinks you have editorial power?
That’s funny as fuck, but I took back the star because I don’t know if the people at McLaren understand sarcasm.
Oh, is this a SCANDAL? I thought we all knew megachurches were trash.
Regular ass people DO need guns where I live. Ever had a bear on your property?
Look, I’m not some trans activist. I don’t know the science, I haven’t done any research at all. Furthermore, I’m not a woman, and I’m not qualified to judge who is and isn’t a female.
I need more Tishy. I want to see her come into a Samsung board meeting with a Four Loko, dancing to some song in her head, talking shit to all of her straight-laced, tightass board members... Then turn out to be the ONLY one in the whole company that has any business sense! They do that ‘idiot savant’ bit with male…
So what you’re saying is, grammatical errors are equal to racism?
I don’t expect this administration to do a Goddamned thing properly, quite frankly, I’m just happy for the few times the results are positive.
I had the predecessor to a bump stock-the hellfire trigger-and I fucking HATED IT.
A Silverado Work Truck costs $28,000 and up. That’s for the v6 and roll-up windows. I don’t know a single person my age who can afford that, who actually works in a field where they might need this particular truck... But hey, the financing and loans are right there for you, buddy, RIGHT THERE, whenever you decide…
Colorado, Renegade, Ranger. Hell, Tacoma, Frontier and Ridgeline, too! Stop being obsessed with big engines and huge payloads you don’t use, EVER, and get a pickup that’s actually made to suit your needs... So people like me, who legit might have to carry a half-ton of wood mulch or paving stones three times a day,…
That's the game, to wear you down until you get used to being shit on and just stop fighting. Keep your rage and stay woke!
Prison gangs have the best recruiting situation in the world-a captive audience in a harsh environment they can provide protection from, making it easy to find and indoctrinate potential gang members. Then they get OUT of the prison system grateful, indoctrinated and indebted to the gang, and bring that us-over-all men…
My God... I think a rampaging moose might be WORSE than a bull! Those antlers! Them LEGS!
I’m glad the charges were dropped(there are rapists and murderers to prosecute, you know!), but I still think he did it.
Max Power is not on this list.
Last night, I was gonna watch this, but my brother talked me into Imperial Dreams.