Mister Win Blames People, Not Guns

Wow, I didn’t realize artistic ability or decent education were phenomena exclusive to Manhattan!

You can’t see the sun rise off the Pacific in New York. You can’t even see blue ocean water! You can’t see Hollywood, or the Great Wall of China, or a space shuttle launch. You definitely can’t see a single pyramid from there. You can’t even walk a mile in the forest... Maybe you’re just a dull person with dull

It’s funny how these guys shout ‘Freedom of Speech!’ and ‘Personal Opinion!’ everytime they say something shitty... I wonder what would happen if I told him to his face that I think male/male sex is a ‘barbarian alien practice’?

More likely it was the reversal of stance on the Iraq war back in the early 2000s.

Internal investigations tend to run more prosecutorial than adverserial-basically, Neil was guilty until proven innocent and they still couldn’t find a valid reason to fire him.

I can’t wait to see this! Love this show. Nobody makes the universe more fun than Neil.

Good, then my stream of Cosmos will be clearer.

White people think they own literally everything they see. Catch one stealing or smuggling something in and they act like YOU did something wrong, it's hilarious... But that same bullshit attitude leads to shit like this, and that's why it's got to be extinguished. 

Airstrip standing mile runs. That’s where you would go faster than 180.

The ironic part is, this is the rich parent equivalent of sliding the bouncer a 20 to let you in, while the Kushners and Bushs and Waltons Geffens of the world just build a wing at Harvard or Yale or Princeton. A wing with their last name on it, in BIG BRUSHED METAL LETTERS AND SANS SERIF FONT so everyone can see how

Pardon me if I don’t celebrate another case of the media forcing two prominent Black women in the same industry against each other with speculation, hearsay and carefully edited quotes. Same bullshit Nicky fell for, gunning at Cardi and Remy for nothing more than ratings. 

I busted my ass to get a top 3 percent score on the ACTs and took 40,000 in debt just to go to fucking Kent State, and the whole time I had racists and snobs calling me an ‘affirmative action student’.

The worst part of this is that at least one of the kids was only looking for a place to party...

As a Corvette fan, I’m absolutely sure this is gonna be a shitty, shitty car. Billions of dollars worth of tech in the hands of billions of dollars worth of geniuses given YEARS to develop something and they’re still having alpha problems in the beta phase to the point where they have to delay shit?

As someone who passed the ACT in the 97th percentile for all applicants-two years after I dropped out of high school after flunking three grades in a row-yeah, I believe that.

I hope this happens anyway, even though the budget is hot trash and not worth the paper it’s printed on. The world is not yet set up for purely electric cars, and we should stop pretending and buy hybrids.

I have a simple anti-frustration system that I use, maybe it’s good enough to share. If it’s not, stop reading now.

Anyone who works on Fake’s News is un-American.

They may have been at the eighth or ninth Gathering of the Juggalos, but I'm pretty sure they got knocked off stage in a rainbow wave of Faygo cans. 

As a Black dude in America, I’m playing the smallest violin I can find for you.