He doesn’t remember exactly (surprise) -- “se va” and then something like go cry me a river -- that part was in spanish too. probably.
He doesn’t remember exactly (surprise) -- “se va” and then something like go cry me a river -- that part was in spanish too. probably.
I know him -- I’ll ask, hold please. Knowing him it was probably in spanish...because reasons
I often forget who the pope is. And I definitely never could remember the one that came between John Paul and this one. The german fucker? Is that right?
Amelia Earhart may be the worst answer anyone has ever given to any question. Amelia Earhart? Really? Americans and Europeans ages 25-100 are the only people who know who she is. And maybe the tribe that happened to live on the island she died on. Thats it. Ameila Earhart? GTFOH.
I’ve always thought this made sense — especially a lefty righty lefty situation. I think theres a few analytics people pushing for it. I know this is totally irrelevant, but I always did it in MLB The Show!
correlation does not equal causation. Statistics education is so poor in this country that this basic principle is lost (totally meant for you personally).
that’s what the aforementioned lox are
God. This is the dumbest comment I’ve ever read. It’s almost as bad as the commentating going on in the clip above. Justin Turner can say whatever the fuck he wants when he wants. Tossing that “pitcher” puts more stress on arms that don’t need stress on them. And Turner is smart enough to realize that and speak out…
Passed balls by definition are on the catcher. Wild pitches on the pitcher. I know that’s not what you meant, but I’ve already typed this far....
umm. didn’t you guys just leave the EU because you’re scared of muslims? I mean. Fuck america too. But, shut up?
ugh. it was a fine joke that you ruined with your pearl clutching. and honestly, phil neville is something of a cunt!
don’t bring simple math into this
because its fun?
worst moment in show history. hug your wolf.
Drew: This band doesn’t RAWK!
You’re talking about fucking ‘glue guys’. Who gives a damn about glue guys when your facing godzilla.
your comment to star ratio is exactly where it needs to be.
congratulations on realizing the possibility of math
I would argue Jake Arietta is a self absorbed asshole
because everything in this episode was earned by years of character development. It was perfect. Best episode in a while.