
I pitched with a broken nose wen I was 8 — this narrative needs to die.  It doesn’t effect your pitching motion and adrenaline covers the pain.

Why is nobody talking about the fact that this is the play from super tecmo bowl?

yes! be pedantic! I came here for this.

I came here to say this -- I was really impressed by backward hat dude’s restraint in the moment. 

I got hung up on that sentence too. After re-reading it a couple times I reluctantly decided that it works, if not the clearest way to say it. The COO-of-US-Soccer is one long possessive noun of the brother, indicated by the ‘s at the end of it all.  I think brother of US Soccer’s COO would have been cleaner, but it


I missed the fact that it was an after the fact charge, instead of being up front. I rescind my comment. But Darren is still an asshat.

restaurants can charge whatever the fuck they want for their food and use that money on whatever they see fit.  Charge you $20 for the hamburger so they can put TV’s in the bathrooms stalls? sure.  If you don’t like the price don’t go there.  Who cares if they tell you what the money is actually going to so you are

I will forever feel that it’s the slow motion aspect of replay that is the problem.  If officials were allowed to watch the replay over at full speed we wouldn’t have this perception shift skull fuckery. 

eh. that’s the way it shook out this year. in the past it’s gone the other way, and before that this way again. No matter how many teams you let in the math is going to work out better for one format over the other on certain years. That being said, if they add another playoff team I’ll be pissed.

Wait. I know I’m walking right past the important shit here, but WTF is “Seducing an unmarried woman”??

I’m glad you and Matt were able to work your way through 150 years of baseball common sense there. Proud of you two! On a less snarky note — there actually have been left handed catchers throughout history (it’s been a very very long time). Unlike the infielders where being left handed would be a *yuge* detriment, no


I agree mostly. But sometimes “fancy words” are fine to use because they are either quicker or more precise than their dumbed down synonyms. “Penultimate” is faster than “next to last”. “panacea” sound better than “cure-all” “Signage” is more of a catchall for a lots of display advertising compared to just “signs”.

The prophecy will be fulfilled if he gets traded to the Cardinals.  Then they will have finally gotten a Brian Moran

yeah I was going to say this.  you try to bunt you’re going to die.  most mlb players can’t bunt.

Baseball would be the hardest, then NFL and then NBA.  The thing people aren’t taking into account is that in basketball and football you have teammates that could theoretically help you.  In the NBA or NFL a good coach could draw up a play that if executed by good players that the opponent actually feared could free

not saying he’s been great, but he’s 6th in WPA and top 10 in almost every stat that takes leverage into account.  Also, no one is *in* the playoffs yet.

and you’re awake again? what kind of fucked up sleep cycle are you on?

I don’t know what sport you’ve been watching over the past decade if you don’t think catches are judgment calls.