


“Allopathic” fundamentally means “science-based medicine,” and call me Eurocentric all you want, I have no problem criticizing anyone who claims to practice a form of “medicine” that isn’t science-based.

Beyond the fact that this is obviously snake-oil nonsense... and at the risk of being accused of being ageist... she is 43, he is 46 and they’re both coming into this relationship with multiple children from previous relationships. It’s straight up irresponsible and selfish for them to be bringing more people into the

No, the truck and trailer had to be cleared away by a clean-up crew.

Oh boy this satisfying...


What a narrow view of Black culture she must have to consider it even remotely important to know about these particular pop star siblings.

How can you write about comedy and think that Steve Martin would be opposed to a fart joke?

You’re not the first person to assume that your formative years represented a big change in society, and then things pretty much stopped moving.

Is your argument that not all republican voters hate women, some republican voters are just ignorant morons?

as though a fetus magically changed by virtue of it being pushed out, which is even more ridiculous than saying a clump of cells is sentient.

I think that whole attitude was something she put on for attention, like pretty much everything she does.

Yeah, they keep trying to chase people who are not interested in watching the ceremony anyway, and the result is a telecast that appeals to no one.

Yeah, she also had a pattern of missing random drug tests. It wasn’t the first time.

A ‘slog’ is pretty much the correct pace for taking in everything.

I agreed with you before the movie came out. And then it turned out to be such a dull slog that I think the film could only have been improved by squeezing the whole book into one feature and just burning through plot.

Disappointed that Lady Gaga missed out. I don’t even think it’s necessarily an amazing performance, I’m just so ready for a return to big, scenery chewing, FUN performances. I’m sick of “realism” and “authenticity” being the only metrics by which a performance is judged. (This is related to the fact that it’s

Angus Cloud!

The “younger” thing I should have been more articulate about. What I meant to say was that they are just a few years younger than me. What I was getting at was that this seems to me to be a major shift in how people think about these issues in the last few years (and one that, if you ask me, is not always for the