
the ideal outcome is that they both get knocked out.


“Guys, you really should’ve labeled this ‘NSFW.”

Own what? I’m a woman who happens to like sports and a lot of the writers here, but finds many of the commenters blandly (in that ultimately they’re just circle jerking to each other’s mediocre dad jokes) but tiresomely sexist.

In Atlanta they call that ‘the bottom of the first’.

They always try to stretch doubles into Tripoli.

A G like in gif.

Aw man that hug from the first base coach.

Not to mention the blatant racism. There is zero doubt that racists watch sports in the US, but none of them--not in the deepest south, not in the southiest of Boston--would any of them dare shout slurs or throw bananas or sing racist songs in the stands, and if they did, they’d leave the stadium in an ambulance. Not

Can’t wait until he produces a web gem like this.

To reorder your words, it looks like she got wet from Rizzo’s dong.

So you’re saying that girl in the jacket got Rizzo’s dong wet...?

Same for me. But only because I have no retirement savings and will probably work until I drop dead anyway.

Took him less than a minute to dig in and sit back down.

“Like Jesus, Tim Tebow is also 3 Days Late”

Jesus, Take The Bat.

Tim Tebow’s Mom Would Have Aborted His Baseball Career

Angel Hernandez is the Donald Trump of umpires.

Auf wiedersehen, fußballgott.
