themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles

How long does it take to deliver a Pizza ?

Generic Froot Loops, but yeah, this hits home. 

Rough month?

I think we all knew that; this just quantifies it a bit.

FCA should buy Harley. All the dinosaurs gotta stick together.

What are you talking about? They still wave the Confederate flag during the last lap.

Well, they needed something to replace the Confederate flag with, so there it is.

“Republic of China”

But is it as cool as a free Tibet?

This is EXACTLY the kind of pointless, waste of time that bloated orange asshole would put tons of effort into until he bored of it 3 minutes later.

Shit, now that you've caught the eye of the Chinese, you'll be hearing from Trump soon.

I’ve seen way too many of those flags in both Ohio and Michigan in my life. 

“Be excellent to each other.”

Not everyone's cup of tea, but as a starter motorcycle for my old lady, I think it's a better choice than the Duke I ride. 

Im a bit more interested in the 125 cub. Grom has been reviewed to death and I haven’t seen any revolutionary updates since the new headlight.

-David Tracy

Because Scott Adams has been divorcing himself from reality for quite a long time now.

You obviously know what you’ve got.

I can see we had the same circle of Chevy friends in the 90's.

Per Jalop rule 72-A: “Throw away money.”