themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles

While I applaud the list as a concept, I can’t help but feel like there’s a gap in the market. A gap for a hot hatchback. Something sporty, yet practical. Power and speed, but also cheap to buy and insure. Boy, if only an American auto manufacturer had the capabilities to build one... But alas, there’s no way that we

Oh they are the head of the class when it comes to “This is a mass produced car so I have to split the finest of hairs to make it sound rare, even though the reason it is rare has absolutely nothing to do with how the car operates”.

And I don't talk to lowballers!

I can see the online post in 2032..... And it isn’t any prettier than it is today...... *ahem*

Honestly, I think reliability actually does build up a car’s character, but it is a long term payoff. As in, a car that drove a particular way when it was new, but is also reliable and easy to repair, usually drives about the same 20, 25, 30 years or more down the line since there was little to no reason to replace or

He’s not upset, he’s just disappointed....


Somehow, that BMW jack has escaped the same reputation as the VW part. Can’t tell you why though. Maybe you got a better jack if you had a different set of wheels? Is that jack considered a space saver jack or something?

It was for the Mk3 golf/jetta at least, and probably others too. I had one when I had a Mk3 and I dropped my jetta when trying to replace a flat tire on the side of the highway.

Still safer than the ol’ VW Widowmaker

I have NEVER heard of the can-ams being tail happy. I remember when they launched and they were advertised as the opposite - less tail happy than large displacement sport tourers like the concours or FJR. I do recall that part of that was from an undefeatable electronics package. But I also think wide tires have been

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I’ve heard the opposite on the can-am spyders - if the tires are wider, car-profiled tires, the front will more likely than not push quite hard. And I heard the opposite of the morgan too - it has skinny, almost motorcycle profiled tires that love to get leaned on so you can get some gnarly oversteer when pushed. You

Sit on it. Or put it behind you. Or a bit in front of you. Or all 3. 

Wrong VW to make all electric. The XL1 is now boring. Too prius-like. Everyone is doing the egg shaped electric and hybrid car. BMW already did the carbon fiber electric car game with the i3. 

JIC put it up for sale in 2011. Sounds like they converted/altered it to be in road race or time attack spec by this point. 

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“It was the only way to get them around a corner....”

The 10 mm socket is the bribe.

I’ll get y’all started with the entrance exam answers - Yes, no, yes yes, no, true, true, false, false, 283, quattro, gordon-keeble, chicken parm, Ray Wert’s left nipple, 10 mm, a rusty crescent wrench and two boxes of FROSTED MINI-WHEATS

Nah, we just need Sean MacDonald back. Whether it’s a sub blog or not, we need him to come home, back to Jalopnik.