
Correct. He is not a singer. He is a genius.

He is an above-average singer, but certainly below-(traditional) Broadway caliber. I love him and I love Hamilton, but the dude wouldn’t have been able to get a singing part in a Broadway musical if he didn’t write ‘em himself. So he wrote ‘em himself, like a brilliant person! Go Lin! :D

This was better.

If that doesn’t persuade you, you’re just not woke.

It appears that TV has beaten me to the punch and encapsulated my thoughts on this quite nicely. You don’t get a seat at the big kids’ table when you bring 9/11 truther nonsense and Zeitgeist. You’re being mocked here, not debated.

Psycho much?

“Way back in olden times, someone decided that a common repository of knowledge which allowed for the open exchange of scientific ideas would be a good idea.”

Buddy, if you combined several of your trademark one-sentence paragraphs into a single paragraph, you’d save us all some time. Also, you seem to think that just because something is stated as a fact, that makes hearing it “knowledge”. This doesn’t apply when those statements are nonsense. I’m not going to sit here and

Use your words.

Now three people are upset! Happiness increasing!

I feel really bad about how all of this is going down, but yes, we are all dating your wife.

Make America Cuck Again

Congrats! You’re a new step-father to an 18 month old! Is that how this works? I’m not familiar with the term one uses for a married man who’s wife birthed another man’s child.

HamNo, you’d be singing a different tune if a character on Westworld was shown eating Chobani yogurt instead of Fage.