The Man From Pluto

i think the sound mixers might have been stupid people. or i’m just a stupid person.

More like it was written by smart people trying to make money off of dumb people who love to watch junk like this. This show is very much “Downton Abbey/Period shows for Dummies! -now with more T&A!”

You can say that about a lot of Netflix shows. Most Netflix shows. I don’t think they’re hiring particularly stupid writers but I do think they rush the scripts. I also bet they’re told to go for dialog that’s easy to dub in a dozen languages.

It knows exactly what it is and what it wants to be. The premise of half the show is ludicrously stupid (the ‘I got revenge on my dad by swearing to never heir a child’ subplot), but it knows full well that the majority of the viewers aren’t in it for the plot.

This comment is underrated.

“Lucy, you’ve got some over-explaining to do.”

If Whedon really wanted to scare Gadot, he would have sent a shoeless, brown child carrying a piece of rubble from his village that was just bulldozed. That, apparently, is terrifying to the IDF.

The IDF is intimidated by children with rocks and kites . . .

Soldier for apartheid regime =/= badass.

Yes, I hope the former IDF soldier kicked that toxic dude’s ass! That former IDF soldier deserves our plaudits for this one. #girlboss

This show is terrible.  It was okay in the first season, then plunged off a cliff.  Hulu must be really desperate to keep renewing this when the critics hate it.

I would say you missed me saying almost anything positive about the movie except that a few of the performers are likable and some of the colors are bright! ;)

well, that’s some depressing truth.

Let’s make it clear that no way am I watching poor gays!

Gays have finally arrived!  Now they are just as lame as straight couples!

Well, no, because I forgot to log into my “dumb commenter” gimmick account before posting that.

Well that’s just fucking awful.

One of my favorite jokes from Community is Jeff yelling at John Oliver’s character, “OH YEAH? WELL MARGARET THATCHER WAS A BITCH!” and storming off, and John Oliver responding exasperatedly, “Nobody is disputing that!”

“Thanks, but we already know how NOT to do the job, based on four years’ experience just watching you guys.”

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