The Man From Pluto

If someone could give me a one sentence instruction on how to feel that would be great.

Yep. The golden age of standup (late 80s to early 90s) left us with a ton of people that are now super famous that were exceedingly mediocre, but had good timing (not comedic) I guess?

I mean, yeah, far be it from me to claim any expertise in the field of “watching and reviewing this movie” as the person who watched it and reviewed it, when there’s a guy who saw part of a trailer one time ready with his TAKES.

What an exacting and insightful takedown of a movie you maybe haven’t seen!

Plus, I mean, it’s pretty much 100% certain that Kanye West has been called an asshole, like, a TON of times.

Looking out my backdoor works.  Hit the chest like The Dude hit the roof of his car. 

CPR’s founder was a contemporary of CCR, back when everyone was worried about the CCCP, but they didn’t overlap. They’re more associated with the current era’s fear of our own government’s CCTV, though here in the CST a lot more outrage goes to CNN.  

I think the Pixies nailed it

So, would we say that she’s the one who likes all Nirvana’s pretty songs and she likes to sing along, and she likes to shoot her gun, but she don’t know what it means?

Yo homie if you don’t like this porta-potty why you hanging out in it looking for a handjob?