I mean, Rob Schneider sucks, but he’s not wrong in this instance. That was a really embarrassing/cringey moment for a comedy show.
I mean, Rob Schneider sucks, but he’s not wrong in this instance. That was a really embarrassing/cringey moment for a comedy show.
I think if she’d stopped at her ill-conceived tweets, this would have blown over far more. Honestly, her tweets came off as ignorant and silly by comparison to her blog post. The blog post is where she did the most damage and many casual followers of the scandal missed that entirely.
My wife and I work at a public university in the south that prominently displays crosses, including on its official seal. She has been told not to teach "critical race theory" or she will be fired (she teaches American Government). If that's not us being threatened with cancel culture, I don't know what is.
It’s 2022. Understand the difference based on the speaker.
You’re so fucking awesome.
Just to clarify, are you suggesting that she did not, in fact, take the most private jet trips this year, and that these bloggers are lying? Or, she actually did take the most private jet trips this year, but each of her 170+ trips was an attempt to escape this warzone you speak of, and each time she discovered,…
take an extra asshole pill today?
Yes, how dare I. I’ll immediately apologize to the concept of turning nouns into verbs for comedic effect.
It’s an accepted risk purely on the studio. The actor had to do all the same amount of work, and they are union, no fucking around with getting paid.
That’s because there’s nothing funny about it.
I don’t hate Pratt, but I feel free to give plenty of side eye to anyone who chooses a deeply homophobic religion as an adult when there are many queer friendly churches (especially in LA) to choose from.
So he’s not religious or spiritual but he believes in God and regularly attends church, and he’s not homophobic but he’s turning a blind eye to homophobia because he likes his church and his pastor and homophobia doesn’t really affect him. Got it.
It sounds like he goes to great lengths to say it’s simply a matter of times changing over three decades. If that sounds preachy....well, that’s worth privately reflecting on.
Nah, see, to dipshits like that, you say your opinion and get a medal, or something.
Good on ya. I love doing that to greys who try to troll.
Lol, calm down, Tyrion. (Though I will say your speech is more convincing than D&D’s lame attempt at being meta and relating kingship to the writing process our whatever bullshit.)
I’m STILL trying to get out of the greys over on Jezebel, I ain’t helping dickbags get out of them here.
Bran, who spends the entire series going on a perilous journey and learning mystical powers and then, in the final season, finally makes it back home to Winterfell, where he...just kind of sits around while everyone else moves the plot forward? And then he becomes king because something something storytellers? Yes,…
He’s not overrated. He fully deserves every rate of hate he gets. Possibly more. He may be underhated.